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Re: the Fed

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I know I will regret wading into this but having actually been decapitated by 
the october 98 surprise rate cut I have to put my two cents worth in. 
Specifically , back in 98 a mechanical model i had developed shorted the SPUS 
30 seconds before the surprise rate cut. Took a 53 handle loss on a system 
which normally risked 4 handles to make 10. Luckily i was trading one quarter 
size other wise i would have been out of business. 

It is not , IMHO, whether you were right or wrong in todays move. Someone 
will always be on the correct and incorrect side of those moves when we are 
talking futures.
The problem is that they are surprise announcements. My trading style for 
example does not take a position before news , ie an FOMC meeting. So from a 
fairness perspective it does seem inappropriate for the Fed to do these types 
of things. 
However I do not think that has any practical bearing on the situation other 
than to realize that greenspan is not going to let the market tank and when 
he intervenes he does so in a way that punishes shorts.  

The other practical aspect to todays action speaks to the question of risk. 
Just because you lucked out and were flat or long just before the surprise 
has no bearing on what the future holds. 
