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Fwd: Re: Fuzzy Logic vs. System Dynamics

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This is a copy of a message posted to the Fuzzy Logic mailing list. Will 
Siler is a worker in the field. I thought the topic might be of interest, 
given the recent discussion on FL.

Note that the link given in the message didn't work for me. However,  the 
following link is OK:



>Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 21:06:59 +0200 (MET DST)
>Reply-To: WSiler@xxxxxxx
>Originator: fuzzy-mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sender: fuzzy-mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>From: WSiler@xxxxxxx
>To: Multiple recipients of list <fuzzy-mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Fuzzy Logic vs. System Dynamics
>X-Comment: Fuzzy Distribution List
>  <<For Fuzzy Logic, the applications seem to be more 'engineering' oriented
>(control of a cement kiln, a subway system, an inverted pendulum)
> >>
>Alas, altogether too many people, including many of the fuzzy systems crew,
>have this idea, although it is usually not put forward so explicitly. Earl
>Cox's work in the business field (see one of his several books) is certainly
>non-engineering, and our own recent work has been in decision making in a
>hospital intensive care unit. Unfortunately the success of fuzzy systems
>theory in process control has led to a preoccupation with this field to the
>virtual exclusion of work in non-control applications. Fuzzy expert systems
>can be quite different from control systems, and the shells can also be
>different. I might suggest a look at our Web page,
>http://users.aol.com/wsiler/ where there is a short manual on building fuzzy
>expert systems and an old demo version of our expert system shell FLOPS with
>non-control applications.
>William Siler
>This message was posted through the fuzzy mailing list.
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