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Re: ThinkJava? [Tradergirl goes to war]

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian" <bnm03@xxxxxxx>
To: "List, Omega" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 11:31 PM
Subject: RE: ThinkJava?

> Why aren't you supporting Open Source?  Why are you backing a proprietary
> > programming language, is my question? . Why on earth would you support
> in
> its attempts to create a language they control?"
> One reason: because Java programmers are among the highest paid web
> programmers out there  -- around $125+/hr plus (checkout

So it is money that makes it so you program in Java?  Most of us realize
90% of the Java out there is useless, and slow -- the language is complete
utter garbage.  Even on my Dual Pentium (clocked at 800mhz a processor), and
over 1.6Ghz of actual operating speed, the stupid applications are slow.
since you sell-outs get $125 and hour, I guess this is okay?  Because one
my computer will be 30 gigahertz and Java will then perform like expected?
BOOOO!!!!!!  You are being booo'd!!!!! of the stage!!!!!

> ASP folks come in lower.  Open Source is a nice idea but not practical.
> only way it will become practical is if a company can make money through
> advertising revenue, selling add ons, or some other scheme.   You watch,
> more and more stuff produced by public Linux companies will not be open
> source.  Also, they'll be a lot less stable than the Linux OS becuase the
> company has only limited resources to develop their software (unlike
> and they have to pay their testers something.  Once you put software in
> realm of public financing (ie markets), companies can no longer afford to
> give their software away.  I noticed freshmeat.com was acquired by a
> and banner ads started to appear.  This is probably the main source of
> revenue to justify it's continued support.

OpenSource is practical.  OpenStandards make it possible for you to even
operate computers.  You see the Internet???  What do you think that is???
You think the backbone is proprietary??  Think again.  It is open.  You see
this e-commerce world we are now entering?  It is because of the openess.
It isn't because of proprietariness.

> Java does have a symbol: SUNW.  And you can trade a basket of similar
> on the NASDAQ futures if you have to have futures.  Personally, I don't
> weather it's open source and closed source.  All I care about is how much
> it's going to make per hour.  College idealism is nice but in the face of

Per hour?  I thought you were on a traders list?
We are mavericks!  Risk takers!  Innovators!  We are idealists, this is why
we are trading and attempting to trade and involved in trading.  Most of us
hate working, hate the idea of filling out W2's, hate the idea of sending a
to the IRS, and so on.  And College idealism?  Come on.  Are you telling me
RedHAT (RHAT), VALinux, Corel, and IBM, who are all backing open source
are college idealists?

I think it is you who have lost the human spirit to realize that SOMETIMES
you have to back something DIFFERENT than the norm, and if that means
not overcharging for producing the crap JAVA you produce at your inflated
$125/hour, you do it.

It's called being an individual as opposed to the herd.

> bills and the desire for material wealth, it looses luster fast.  Getting
> on the ground floor of a growing trend can be good, if the baby trend
> continues but that's a risk you take.
> As for the Borg thing, some of would argue that the Borgs have already
> arrived and enslaved us: they're called PC's.  But lets take another open
> source idea: the human genome.  Giving the world and all of the crazed
> baskets out there access to that information can and will produce some of
> the nastiest viruses you ever saw.  And they won't just effect your
> hardware, they will effect you and you probably will be dead.  So is open
> source the panacea it's cracked up to be?

Nastiest viruses????  Why not!!!!  I think we need to all be working towards
a nasty virus to be planted in the IRS computers.  Would anyone shed a tear?

But let me say something -- how many viruses do you hear about on LINUX?
There is NOT even Virus protection software, you know why???  Of course
you don't because you don't even USE Linux.  You are a typical Microsoft
users, you praise its glories, and never open your mind to something that
might just be a better approach for the world.

College Idealism?

Try Anarchy.  Try Individuality.  Try anything else but something that will
fade from this girl.

> Java can't be that junkie if someone is willing to pay me $125/hr+ to code
> it and the trend is still growing. Java has been with us for some time and

Just because you have a price tag doesn't mean anything.  I've gotten junk
at Nieman Marcus, and found the best things at garage sales.  You are
equating your value based on a dollar figure.  To use your psychology, then
the person who makes the most money must be the best?

> it's still growing.  Your opinion is that the market's wrong here.  Is the
> market ever wrong?  No, just one's interpretation of it.

Of course not, and when you give your SSN away, and help feed the IRS,
and fill out your W2's, and get your retinal scans to enter your work place,
and do your drug tests, and fill out your credit apps for your car, and so
and never realize that the price you are paying for that $125/hr.

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [ tradergirl ] [mailto:tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 10:54 AM
> > To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx; M. Simms
> > Subject: ThinkJava?
> >
> >
> > Think waste of time.  If Java had a trading symbol on the CME, I
> > would start
> > betting short, my whole entire portfolio against it?  Why?
> > Because it is an
> > invention of truly sick minds.  I refused in school to touch it,
> > and told my
> > professor I will not program in a non-GNU based language.  I will only
> > program in GCC if anything.  He agreed.  He reluctantly agreed.
> >
> > Why aren't you supporting Open Source?  Why are you backing a
> > programming language, is my question?  Why on earth would you
> > support Sun in
> > its attempts to create a language they control?  Because it is scalable
> > across a bunch of platforms?  Who needs a bunch of platforms?  I want
> > Microsoft and Macs to die.  I want free operating systems to thrive, and
> > right now, if you think programming or modifying C/C++ is tough, then
> > is your opinion, but 30,000 developers right this second are on
> > SourceForge,
> > and Freshmeat.net, and doing just fine.
> >
> > Let me also say, Bill Joy, their Java/Jinni guy over @ sun is the
> > stupidist
> > ass I have come across.  Read his article in WIRED last month?  He
> > Terminator styled Borgs will be here within 20 years and we will all be
> > enslaved by them.  You think this turkey know what he is talking about?
> >
> > I liken Java to Prolog.  Both were complete junk from the beginning.
> >
> > -TraderGirl
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "M. Simms" <prosys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: "[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> > <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>; "OX" <enchant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 8:09 AM
> > Subject: RE: ATT:Tradergirl!! (LINUX DOWNLOAD $0)
> >
> >
> > > Think JAVA, not Linux. Someday, SOMEONE will build a great
> > > trading system and it will be in JAVA. Many Linux-based solutions are
> > > written in C++.....fast, but totally non-portable. AND a "bear" to
> > maintain
> > > and modify !!
> >
> > Bear to modify?  Go look at SOURCEFORGE.NET, or FRESHMEAT.NET
> > there are currently like 30,000 open source developers working with
> > right now, on tons of projects, all working together, for FREE SOFTWARE.
> > $0
> >
> > >
> > > Formula One 7.0 from www.tidestone.com has a terrific,
> > > spreadsheet program.
> > > It runs EVERYWHERE.....Linux, Solaris, MAC, Windows, etc.
> > >
> > > Systems requirements: only 1 megabyte plus the most recent Java
> > "JVM 2.0".
> > > Contact Tidestone and you should inquire as to vars and programmers
> > have
> > > customized it for a trading application. Why ? Unfortunately, you must
> > know
> > > Java to customize it.
> >
> > Notice how Sun is moving hard into their Jinni deal?  Sort of moving
> > on,
> > as sort of soon to be overshadowing Java?
> >
> >
> > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: [ tradergirl ] [mailto:tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > > > Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 1:09 AM
> > > > To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx; OX
> > > > Subject: Re: ATT:Tradergirl!! (LINUX DOWNLOAD $0)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "OX" <enchant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > > To: "[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > > Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 7:16 PM
> > > > Subject: ATT:Tradergirl!!
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hi Trader Girl....
> > > > >
> > > > > can I ask if there is a Linux package that is equall too or
> > better the
> > > > > MS XL spreadsheet?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > do a search on:
> > > >
> > > > www.freshmeat.net
> > > >
> > > > There will be a bunch of them, I am sure.  Or, just download or
> > > > get StarOffice, it is like identical to Microsoft Office 2000 Pro,
> > has
> > > > a built in WebBrowser, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, etc. etc. etc.
> > > >
> > > > It is a 70meg download from www.sun.com - or you can order the
> > > > software on CD for $5, OR-- and get the manual, I think for $15.
> > > >
> > > > > thank you and kind regards
> > > > > Stephen from Australia......!!
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > and what version and package of Linux  do you recoomend to run?
> > > >
> > > > Corel or Caldera is you are an end-user (even RedHat is good)
> > > > Redhat, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, if you want more raw joy.
> > > >
> > > > Corel is the most user friendly right now, and includes Word Perfect
> > > > Office Suite Pro on it.
> > > >
> > > > I use Mandrake now, but that is only because I have a DualPentium
> > > > Linux box, and it can take advantage of two-processors
> > > >
> > > > TraderGirl
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >