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DBC response

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Finally, to compare DBC to Microsoft is absurd. The data distribution
is a fixed cost business, which encourages consolidation. BMI required cash
infusions every year that it was owned by Bonneville Broadcasting and was
never profitable on its own. Neither was Lotus Signal. I can assure you from
personal knowledge that were the combined investment in DBC, Signal and BMI
subjected to the scrutiny of traditional business school investment
methodology and criteria, it would be a most unattractive investment.

Shaven Heads Trading

>>>> Just like when reading that Altavista.com is lost $69 million last
or was it $250 million?  I don't believe a word these people say.  People
can lose gobs of money to make it appear they are not making any money.
It's the new economy.

I had to clear up a missing $30 that DBC said I owed them on my account.  I
had the check right in front of me.  I called them, they asked that I sent
the check,
it then got lost.  14 days later, I had a notice that my bill would go to a
agency if I didn't pay the $30 immediately, and call some women in their
operation in San Francisco.  Get this, I am paying $300+ month, and they are
treating me like this?  I then photocopied my bankstatement that they did
my check.  14 days later, I got another demand for payment.

If you don't think this is Microsoft mentality, I don't know what is.  This
in itself is
absurd.  Also it is absurd that they are calling us traders asking if we'd
like to
switch.  This is NOT switching back to AT&T from MCI.

When calling them, to resolve it, I have even had people tell me, "No, Miss,
we never said that to you last time" with three people on the phone.  For

Guess what?

It turned out they were wrong... but in doing so, the phrase I HATE DBC is
burned into my mind.  Why why?  Because waiting on hold for 30-40 minutes,
over 6 times, for $30, so I won't get bad credit, and it is their mistake,
piss poor on their end.  Did they give me a month free, or an apology?

So in short, I would love to see DBC die a painful death, and an era where
the exchanges supply us data directly because we are such fat cats trading
such enormous amounts they should give us data for free.

"This is the information age, and information is meant to be free"

Roguette Trader

"[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I received the following reply.
> Robert
> Mr. Cummings,
> Thanks for your email. Due to bandwidth constraints, broadcast systems,
> meaning both Signal and BMI broadcast system boxes do not have the
> bandwidth to keep up with the active trading that's occurring in today's
> markets. DBC makes no effort to conceal the situation.
> For this reason, DBC recommends eSignal to all existing and prospective
> customers. Internet is the only medium with a wide enough bandwidth to
> transmit the data.
> Sincerely,
> L. D. Prunty
> Technical Support Representative
> http://www.dbc.com
> ^^ okay.
> What they are doing, since I am pretty damn good at computers, is telling
> you the Internet has more bandwidth than Cable.  What they are doing is
> lying.
> Look at Cable modems.  Look at television.  Cable.  The only thing faster
> a fiberoptic backbone, like coming in from an OC3.
> Basically, DBC is like a Microsoft, bought out all its competitors, to
> all possibility of competition.  Removed delayed BMI data, and forced its
> subscriber base to go for real-time.  10-min delayed from BMI was pretty
> darn good for $65/month.  If you call them they push e-signal.  Why?
> Because the profit-to-expense ratio is like pure profit for them.
> When they say that the Internet has wide enough bandwidth, they are lying
> through their teeth.  Bonneville, or BMI was a great awesome company
> until DBC came in.  Now DBC is burying the technology.  Think you can
> monitor 2000 symbols and run a set of indicators looking for patterns
> across the internet?  Think again.  I don't want to be downloading
> with my cable modem.  That is for other purposes.  For my own internet
> experience, not solely for the purposes of Tradestaion.
> Additionally, look at 2000i.  Why didn't they create a module to enable
> TS4 to get real-time data like they fed us for so many years.  Why?
> Because none of these corporations are really traders, they don't
> think like us, they try to manipulate us, and give us stuff we DO NOT
> want.
> 90% of the indicators out there are like this.  Playing to the Holy Grail
> philosophy, and most fail miserable.  Inspired by greed, they lack the
> purity us traders desire in technology and innovation.  These people
> are not traders, nor do they have traders spirits.  Look how BMI made
> it so only one port on their three port box works.  Why not have all
> three open up.  What are they there for?
> What is this Radar thing Tradestation has.  I mean, come on.  All most
> of us need is a copy of TS 4, and some realtime, and we can kick butt.
> Some of us don't even use indicators.  I don't.  Price action itself is
> the best indicator, same with setups and patterns.  Anyone agree?
> So there you have it.  My commentary on the usurping of traders pockets
> with useless bells and whistles and manipulation by dataproviders.  One
> day information will be free (thanks to the Open Source people), and
> these types of guys can disappear for all I care.
> I know if Gann, or Fibonacci, or Elliot were alive, they'd look at these
> tactics and think: What a bunch of jerks, Omega Research, DBC,
> ASCTrend, and 90% of them out there.
> Signed,
> Tradergirl
> ps. anyone using PatternSmasher? :)

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