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RE: FW: Omega 2000i & privacy

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	My position here at omega is test lead for the Global Server.  As
much as I would like to formally respond to this email in the capacity that
you require, I cannot.  I can, however, reply to this as a representative of
our QA department, as a fellow share holder, and as an employee at omega, in
general.  In response to you first concern, I would not work for a company
that would condone accessing, examining, or collecting user related
information in a situation where the information is not being directly
surrendered by the user for a purpose in which the user is fully privy to,
and in which the user has full consent and approval.  And it is my honest
opinion that every representative in this company shares my sentiment in
this issue, but again, this is my personal opinion.  

As for your second request, which is the lesser of the two evils as I
percieve it, I can only say that as a software tester I would greatly
discourage use of our technology for these purposes, but I certainly am not
in a position where I would make that type of determination to properly
address in this forum.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Wright [mailto:lwright@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 5:34 PM
To: 'omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: Re: FW: Omega 2000i & privacy

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Giovanni Pugliese wrote:

> In response to these emails,
> The GSQF.Dat file is.....

Thanks for responding to the issue via the Omega list. I appreciate
hearing from Omega folks via the list, although at times it might be

The change to net-based software raises a number of privacy issues. Could
you please certify that Omega software will:

1) NOT access, examine or collect any user-related information on a users
computer (examples: trading systems developed by the user, system files
containing user information, or any files NOT directly related to Omega

2) NOT send any information, other than user-generated requests, to any
external site, either Omega or another party (as would happen with ads,
for example).

A declaration and explanation of the above might help to ease fears of an
"Omega intrusion" into users computers.

Please do try to respond - the absence of a reply might be likely to
increase user suspicion, given the widespread invasion of privacy that is
occurring on the Net.

