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Consumer report request. IPO Trader newsletter

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Hi, Folks.

Has anyone had any experiences good or bad with this newsletter?  They're 
asking $US 200 a year for it.  Is it worth it?


From: IPOGroundFloor Mailing List <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: list-ipo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IPO Ground Floor Special Edition, March 10, 2000
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:21:52 -0800

Be warned.

Not all IPOs are what they're cracked up to be. As I've said before
in this space, you have to do your homework...

Which is why, in today's special edition, I want to introduce you to
someone who's done hers.  To the tune of 1,287% profits and more.
And, in fact, readers of her weekly IPO advisory service have made
money on EVERY recommendation she's published.

In the article below, she'll introduce you to her IPO analysis
secrets. Enjoy!

Clint Ballard CEO, eAcceleration Corp.

P.S. I'll do this kind of special issue from time to time, just so
you can stick with me as we study the process behind IPOs.  By the
way, Siu Yee Ng - the analyst prepared today's report - may be new to
my library of resources. But she just recently joined a team of
analysts that I've known and turned to since1996.  I think you'll
find what she writes below just as useful. See below...

+ +                              +
Siu-Yee Ng
IPO Trader, Senior Analyst

Dear Investor,

Every winner I've ever picked meets at least 7 key criteria. From the
obvious, like good management. and smart target market... to  the
not-so-obvious, like litigation history... the name of the
underwriter... and how some companies secretly plan to use (or NOT
use) the money they'll raise with the IPO.

It's a simple method that works.  On the first day Perot Systems hit
the market, we made 171% in a single afternoon. On Calico Commerce,
my readers made 311% in just four days.  And another 617% profits on
Juniper. When e-Bay hit the market, we not only made one-day gains of
197%... the stock then shot up a by 1,429%.

These are just past examples. But if you intend to invest another
dollar in IPOs, you'll want use the same "IPO Score Card" I apply
every time I study upcoming IPOs.  I don't have room to explain how
it works here.  Instead, check out
http://www.taipanonline.com/htmlcode/ipo/traderip/ I've posted a full
free report that gives the rundown.

As Clint said, you have to be careful.  Just recently, I was digging
deep for new recommendations to give to readers of my weekly advisory
service, IPO Trader.  When I came across one Internet startup that
had no more than $20,000 in cash and $18,000 of computer on hand...
and little prospect of building a profitable business... yet they
were counting on their IPO to make them millionaires overnight!  As
far as I could tell, profits from operations weren't even a

Unfortunately, I see companies like this out there all too often.
It's a swindle, in my opinion.  Companies that set out to make zero
profits have zero promise for the future. Their stocks are eventually
headed for zero too.

But that doesn't mean IPO jewels aren't out there.  Take Vitra
Technologies, a recent IPO with breakthrough intranet technology.
We've already made 287% profits in less than a month.  On Ask Jeeves,
our readers made 342%... on KANA Communications, we took in 426% in
two weeks... on Phone.com, another intranet service provider, we made
a whopping 1,287%.

If you've already missed out, don't worry.  We're now watching three
more pre-IPO companies with prospects just as good or better.  It's
also in the report --
http://www.taipanonline.com/htmlcode/ipo/traderip/ (Again, you can
click on the link or simply paste the address into your browser.)  I
hope you'll take a minute to read it.  Until next time, best of luck!


                            Siu-Yee Ng
                            Editor, IPO Trader

P.S.  My latest IPO Trader recommendation -- a Japanese Internet and
e-mail provider - is already swimming past the competition.  Japan's
wired household numbers expected to double within the year.  There's
no obligation for you to accept the small, special invitation at the
end of my report http://www.taipanonline.com/htmlcode/ipo/traderip/
..of course... but should you choose to start getting IPO Trader,
I'll be able to make sure you get the rest of the Japan Internet
story right away. And more.  I hope to hear from you!


eAcceleration Corp., the parent company of Acceleration Software
International Corporation, is a provider of online direct marketing
services, advertising solutions and proprietary software.
eAcceleration Corp. is offering up to 3 million shares of its common
stock at $6.25 per share in an Initial Public Offering.