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RE: TraderWare Special Decoding

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I couldn't agree more.  My sentiments exactly with one exception: I will buy
from Omega again if they can prove their software is stable and suitable for
RT trading.  This is mainly because the ideas they have are good ideas and
TS4 is stable and useful.  I like the ideas of TS2K, and if they could only
implement them reliably then it would be a very nice product.

However, TS2K is fundamentally flawed and will NEVER EVER be a serious RT
trading platform.  Their data server just can't handle any kind of load.
Mine always crashes on a very fast machine with 128M RAM and a huge
hardrive.  Whenever I create a Quote window, with at least 8 markets, it
eventually Dr. Watsons and shuts down the server within 24 hours.  I'm using
release SP4b.  So far out 1.5 weeks of running 24x7 with it, it has once
mysteriously stopped collecting quotes.  I could verify quotes were coming
in but TS2K just stopped.  Thus, there are holes in my data.  So much for
system trading and so much for what really makes TS useful.  Another stupid
thing is that Omega recommends storing no more than 1000 symbols in TS2K.
Sorry, I need more.  RT traders need reliability most of all and capacity

I think Cruz meant well (juding from the complete overhaul they did for
TS2K) he just didn't invest enough in early development.  What a shame.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Parks [mailto:parks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 3:23 AM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: TraderWare Special Decoding
> Putting all this clutter, jokes, and PR BS aside what
> is the revolutionary advantage that TW offers?
> For some of us it is the easy language vs VB issue. For others it
> may be the
> rent-a-server issue. But for many who will abandon TS it is the months of
> lies, false hopes, the miserable product when TS2K was delivered and the
> attitude of those at the top of Omega.
> For the same reasons we make any change in our lives, it's because we are
> tired of the same and believe that there might is something better out
> there. I for one am fed up with Omega. I refused to purchase TS2K and be
> their beta tester. I have lost respect for Omega, it's poorly
> designed TS2K,
> and it's leadership. I continue to use TS4 for my trading, and I will
> continue using it until I find an alternative that meets my needs (a
> reliable real-time server and programming capabilities). TW seems to offer
> what I'm looking for. If it isn't, then my search will continue but the
> bottom line is Omega will not get another penny of my money.
> BTW, I will not abandon TS4 until I fully understand TW and have
> my programs
> converted, and verified to be running as intended. I have formualted a
> methodical approach in serveral steps to complete my conversion
> process. If
> one of those steps prevents me from accomplishing my goals, then maybe TW
> will not be the right choice.  Yes, this will mean many hours of
> work after
> the trading day, but I believe in the long run it will be worth the time.