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Re: TraderWare Special Decoding

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On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, pierre.orphelin wrote:

> > TraderWare is in the process of finalizing our Marketing Plan for 2000 and a
> > number of opportunities/issues have arisen that may be of interest to you.
> > 
> Traderware will finally be released after long months of promising it, and critics to
>  the leading software  company, from which we have taken all the concepts that we 
> were able to grab.

Why not - Omega does :-).

> > We are aware of the importance of a large user base and capturing market
> > share. If we are to grow as we anticipate, the momentum that new users bring
> > to us is invaluable. 
> 1000 or so prospects on Omega list, that is of interest.. You are here, so we are.

Hmmm... sounds just like Omega, except TW is 'up front' about it.

> >We acknowledge the need to make a stronger introduction
> > into the marketplace with a core group of experienced users and code
> > writers.
> We did not succeed to write somebasic code and we rely on your experience to build a 
> library with a more complicated language that we did not understand very well. 
> Maybe someone here ?


> >Also, a number of our beta testers have inquired about discounts
> > because of the effort they have put forth in assisting us in the development
> > and release of the product.
> Yes, we were really unable to do anything, with the exception of linking a langage that is not ours 
> (Visual Basic) to a server that is no more from US (UMSD)  and to a charting device with proprietary
> zulu icons.
> So hurry up and please code now.
> Beta testerare asking money, and this is not our goal.

Hmmmm... sounds just like the TS100 beta, but TW is 'up front' and
honest about it.

> > To accomplish this goal, for a limited time and number of users we will be
> > offering TraderWareX for $499.95. Please use the order form located at
> > http://www.traderware.com/twspecial.html
> But we expect to get some money from your work.
> Please fill the form and start your VB class at your expenses.

Last I heard, VB classes are *much* less expensive than EL classes, and VB
is far more useful for other things, too - Excel, Access, even Word...

> > The $499.95 purchase price includes all updates and enhancements for 2
> > years. 
> We expect to make you work for less than free for two years. Be prepared now.
> You are not excited  to be paid  for a work?
> We have a better solution, original and highly exciting:
> Now you pay to have the right to work fo us.

Hey - not bad. That's HALF the price that Omega charges to have us beta
test TS100. 

> > Individuals who purchase
> > more than one copy will only be billed for one $500 maintenance fee.
> We have other plans to take money too.

Hmmm... sounds less expensive than Omega's fees for each copy. 

> > This reduced price should offset any cost of time involved in starting the
> > conversion process and any new equipment that may be needed. We will
> > continue to support Win NT and upon release Win2000.  Our standard pricing
> > will remain in effect for the general public.
> > 
> Then we will attempt to sell your work at higher price.
> Thanks for taking care of YOUR equipment and OS versions.
> We need this too.

Sounds just like Omega. 

> >If you are a serious trader I can not believe every individual would
> > not accept this offer. We need experienced users and we are offering this
> > software at a phenomenally low price to offset the conversion process.
> > Remember this is a limited offer.
> Real dummies will take this chance.
> We know that you are numerous here because you strongly supported MB, who did
>  a good job here, and finally we need a money proof ( see above).
> But act now! 

Hmmm... sounds just like Omega's last "upgrade before we raise the price"
ploy for beta testing TS100. (But TW is honest about it).

> > We also need your help in our marketing plan for this year. We will be
> > attending a number of trade shows throughout the year including The Online
> > Trading Expo in Oakland Ca, Dallas Tx and Ontario Ca.
> We expect to have enough money to pay our hotels and food and so on.
> Please subscribe now.
> We want to visit the world and Texas is maybe not "all the world".

Sounds just like Omega. Same places, too :-).

> > We will also be
> > placing advertisements in Stock and Commodities and Futures magazine.
> We are shameless acting  as usual.
> Yes, we know that  we have said ( from our official texan supporter) that these magazines were
> less than nothing , rags and paper good enough for fish packing.
> But we need your money now, and 1000 * 20.83 per month is not enough.
> So we have to fish.

Sounds just like Omega. 
> > We  would appreciate any information/feedback you can give us on the trades
> > shows or conferences you may attend, magazines that you subscribe to or user
> > groups that you are a member of.
> Send all of what you have, including fish paper packing  used.
> We have no problem with smell. This have been proven here over years.

Ahhh, the smell - it does remind one of the strong Miami fish stench that
*certainly* has been well-proven over the years :-). 

> > Best Regards:
> We respect your money, but only in our pockets.

Sounds *just* like Omega <g>.

Best wishes for TW,
