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Re[2]: MB ads revisited

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

Hello  Howard,

Thursday, December 02, 1999, 10:32:35 AM, you wrote:

HJ> Do you really expect an amateur software developer,
HJ> who has never released any stand alone software, to
HJ> deliver a product as complex as ts,

Well you expect someone who doesn't trade to furnish you with software
to trade with! Besides TW isn't as complex as TS it's far more complex!

HJ>  and that it'll be
HJ> usable by anyone but himself?

Below  is  an  independent  review of the web based product we started
with.  Considering  that  we have far surpassed where we were, what do
you have to say now?


Here's what some of our users say.

"Easily the most impressive piece of charting software on the web yet. It is the future of technical analysis." 

"Your site and the programming is pretty damn impressive." 

"Have really enjoyed your site, It is the best charting tool I have found on the web." 

"Great site and great tools!" 

HJ>  and note that by usable
HJ> I mean 'learnable', easy to use (undistinguishable
HJ> zulu icons come to mind...).

Howard  you  obviously  are  not  the  type of client we want. You are
criticizing  something  you  know nothing about because your in bed with
Omega and you are to lazy to do your own research.

Our icons are logically distinguished by weird looking heading so that
someone  who  actually uses the program will easily recognize that all
the  data  related icons are blue and all the work space related icons
are black ect. If you use TS very much at all you would understand the
frustration of wondering what icon does what. At least with our method
we  have given you a visual guide to know what an icon is likely to do
because of its zulu color's and patterns.

I'm  wasting my breath because you probably don't have the discipline 2to
read  down  this  far  let  alone  study  about  something  you  don't

HJ> I would love to have another good tool to trade, but I
HJ> have a feeling that I will have to wait for tw 3.0 for
HJ> it to be 'usable'.

well  we  are  at build 2.29 now, so check back (if your still in this
business and not broke) around mid year 2000. Bye and have a nice day.


ps  Please keep us all informed about how the basic math error's in TS
are adding to you bottom line.

Best regards,
  Mark Brown                        mailto:markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx