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TradeLab (Off-topic)

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I have been an ardent TradeLab booster in the past, and many of you have 
guessed that I have been a beta tester as well. I have responded to 
numerous private messages about TradeLab, looking for "inside information." 
While never able to give such information, I have always firmly supported 
the product and encouraged those asking to evaluate the product at such 
time as it is released.

After having been a vigorous beta tester it became necessary, for a variety 
of personal reasons, for me to curtail my beta test activities. Recognizing 
that suspending and then resuming beta tester status might not meet the 
needs of the company, I gave Bob Brickey the option as to the course of 
action to follow. He chose to allow me to suspend my activity. While not 
actively testing it, as many of you know, I have continued to support 
TradeLab. I had sent out a private Email in support of the product earlier 
today, as fate would have it.

There has been some technical discussion, of late, on the beta list having 
to do with the subject of filtering. Bob Brickey has made some posts that I 
have disagreed with (unrelated to the TradeLab product). Those of you who 
are familiar with my posting style know that I am not shy and am 
occasionally aggressive about the topic at hand. I think you also know that 
I don't engage in personal attacks.

After some attacks that were aggressive but intellectual and directed to 
the subject of filtering, Bob Brickey unilaterally removed me as a beta 
tester and eliminated my privileges to post to the TradeLab lists. After 
the fact, he explained that I had become "an antagonist," that I 
"deliberately hinder rather than help," and that I am "willfully damag[ing] 
something for no apparent reason."

I am astonished at this interpretation and this unilateral behavior, that 
occurred without benefit of dialog.

However, the purpose of this message is to explain that, while obviously no 
longer a beta tester, I still consider the product a remarkable effort and 
worthy of everyone's serious consideration when it is released. Please do 
not read between the lines. There is nothing between the lines. This is a 
personal conflict between me and Bob Brickey that should not reflect 
negatively on TradeLab.

I bring this into the open so that my status is clear, and so that all will 
realize that I am not qualified to speak for the product (which, of course, 
I never was).

I also do not wish, in any way, to denigrate the very hard work of the beta 
test cadre. They are doing outstanding, extraordinary work to bring an 
exceptional product to the marketplace.

Thus, this also becomes my own private word of thanks to the beta testers, 
most of whom belong to the Omega list. I am forced to misuse this forum as 
my ability to post in the proper forum has been eliminated.

My apologies to the Omega-list for this off topic post.
