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RE: Omega $ide $trategy-Data Vendor ?

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Well obviously if they don't do a good job of it then they'll crash and 
burn.  I don't know how long you've been an owner of TS but for quite 
sometime Omega has been providing data refresh updated on their web site. 
 It's usu all there, fair quality, and they only occasionally miss a date. 
  History bank.com is Omega's first attempt at online data so probs were to 
be expected.  Couple that with an all new program (TS) and you can 
understand why it didn't work perfrectly.  I was using miserybank.com from 
the first release and actually thought for an initial attempt it worked 
pretty well.  Yes there were problems but the base func was there and it 
worked reliably esp for eod updates.  If you understand software, you'll 
understand that lots of products go out the door like this.  Moreover, OMGA 
has a track record of being real slow to get things working but when they 
do then they prove to be somewhat useful.

Also you're not taking into account the incentive factor.  Data refresh is 
not a money maker.  Miserybank.com is not a money maker.  Their online data 
has the potential to be a big money maker so in theory there should be a 
bigger incentive to get the kinks worked out sooner.  The stock is doing 
better which means they can attract more and better talent with stock 
options which mens better programmers.  There will prob still be big probs 
with the initial release but history tells us they'll get it working 
acceptably and when they do then it should be somewhat useful.  Omega also 
has a track record of implementing ideas and tech that no other company is 
willing to implement (ie Easy Lang, automation, etc.) which is why you 
bought TS in the first place.  Right?  If Omega can implement their ideas 
then the growth potential is good because there's a huge pool of revenue 
out there just waiting.

PS please just mail the list and don't CC it too.  Don't worry I'll get the 
mail when it comes through on the list.  One copy of this kind of stellar 
mail is more than enough.

-----Original Message-----
From:	M. Simms [SMTP:prosys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Wednesday, November 10, 1999 7:31 AM
To:	bnm03@xxxxxxx; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	RE: Omega $ide $trategy-Data Vendor ?

"Entire companies have been built on data vending
alone -- more than software alone -- so the growth potential for OR is

The above statement does not make sense given the problems with
HistoryBank.com and the poor QA of TSi2000....especially for real-time

I don't think OR can do a good job as a Realtime data vendor given the
recent QA track record.
Poor quality does not equate with growth potential in a service-related 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Massey [mailto:bnm03@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 4:27 AM
> To: 'omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: RE: Omega $ide $trategy
> "With TS, you have your system on your own computer. With the new OR inet
> strategy, YOUR system will execute on THEIR computer. YOUR new ideas will
> be on THEIR computer. YOUR system tests will be on THEIR computer. YOUR
> real-time trading results will be on THEIR computer. Everyone's trading
>         habits will be known to Omega. "
> I doubt this is how it will work.  Your system will continue to
> run on your
> machine and privacy will be maintained.  Imagine an unlimited number of
> systems of variable size that are super large with all the custom dlls.
>  How will they integrate current  installed base with this idea?
>  I don't
> think they could.  Besides, why would Omega want to alienate the
> 3rd party
> vendor market they've worked so hard to develop?  Imagine god knows what
> running on their server.  There would be so many hacks and
> viruses uploaded
> to the Omega server that ran the code, it wouldn't get off the
> ground. Even
> a Cray would struggle under the weight of 40, 50, 60,000+ systems running
> simultaneously on different markets and different signals, not to mntion
> many with some weird link to a custom dll's and whatever else people have
> hooked up to TS.  It would be better just to keep all of that on
> the client
> and send down the data.  That way Omega gets what they want (huge
> reoccurring revenue) and users maintain the privacy and flexibility they
> expect from Tradesatin -- the reason they use TS in the first place.
> The only thing that sets TS apart from other software is it's real time
> monitoring and flexible backtesting capability.  Take that out and you've
> got just another stupid charting package.
> I see them becoming a glorified data vendor with special tools offered
> through the internet.  Data will be provided on demand just like other
> internet data vendors.  This makes sense for Omega because it
> gives them an
> easy (and immensely profitable) sell to TS buyers and also gives them
> reoccurring revenue each month.  This will generate more $$$ then
> selling
>  software ever could.  Reoccurring monthly cash flow is something they
> don't have in substance currently.  They've been trying to get this with
> the shows and geeky system dev clubs they offer, but data vendor business
> will give them much more.  Customers buy the software and while their
> wallets are open, they get them to sign up for streaming real time data.
>  Or hell the software is free and the data is what costs money.  Since TS
> has existed Omega has worked hard to deliver customers to the
> data vendors.
>  Now they'll capture that revenue.  They'll work hard to deliver the data
> customers to Omega.   Entire companies have been built on data vending
> alone -- more than software alone -- so the growth potential for OR is
> good.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Larry Wright [SMTP:lwright@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Tuesday, November 09, 1999 8:30 AM
> To:	Omega List
> Cc:	Code List
> Subject:	Omega $ide $trategy
> With TS, you have your system on your own computer. With the new OR inet
> strategy, YOUR system will execute on THEIR computer. YOUR new ideas will
> be on THEIR computer. YOUR system tests will be on THEIR computer. YOUR
> real-time trading results will be on THEIR computer. Everyone's trading
> habits will be known to Omega.
> Not bad for OR - they get to pick and choose among the best systems for
> their own use, and again the **users** do all the work. With a little
> extra programming at their end, their computer could execute the very 
> trades for themselves, using your best systems.
> To make even more $$, they will be able to focus only on those folks 
> well, to target them with more $$-making 'service' ads. Omega spam - in
> spades. And think of all the vultures who would pay OR big bucks to know
> who the big-money traders are.
> Welcome to the new Inet concept of privacy...
> Larry