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TraderWareX Release

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Trading Reference Links

I am interested in this list but really do not post much due to its 
oft times contentiousness.I just marvel though at what appears to be 
blatant promotion and wonder what would happen if people gave info on 
their latest miracle system or indicater or gadget.



------------------ Reply Separator --------------------
Originally From: "pierre.orphelin" <pierre.orphelin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: TraderWareX Release
Date: 11/02/1999 02:33pm

Welcome to the softwaere development real world!
Now, you see that keeping delay for sure in this industry is not so 
I assume that you are the same MB who complained on this list 
regarding to
some Omega delay
problems ( yk2 patch and so on).

It has been always a pleasure for me to read this kind of  message.
That's aside, I believe that you are on the wrong list: This one is 
to Omega products and TW
is not TS compliant.
So, you have nothing to do here.

When will we have horse race advertising here if we continue at this 
pace ?



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Mark Brown <markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
А : Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc : traderware-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <traderware-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date : mardi 2 novembre 1999 01:58
Objet : TraderWareX Release

>TraderWareX release was originally scheduled for Nov. 1st  release.  
>hard to estimate these target dates that far in advance, however we 
>close to our first commercial release.   We are currently in beta and 
>made tremendous headway due to the diligence and feedback of those
>testers.   I sincerely thank everyone who has chosen to participate 
to help
>us build a better product.
>I hope to make the release announcement Very Soon!   I just felt I 
>responsible enough to inform you where we are rather than leave you
>wondering what is going on.
>Mark Brown