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Re: Caution - TS4 with 'big' charts

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On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Dennis Holverstott wrote:

> > The problem occurs ONLY if I have an ES 1-tick chart open
> there were more (like 50% more) than 13000 ticks for es on friday so you
> can't plot a 1-tick chart.

True, sort of... It turns out that one *can* plot a 1-tick chart for ES
during the day, even though there are more than 13k ticks. TS seems to
'stream' them through charting OK. 

If I try to open that chart during non-trading hours I get an error msg
from the server that prevents me from doing it. This error does NOT crash
TS, though, and I'm able to go to the chart, change to 2 ticks, and open
the page. As soon as the ES market starts trading again Sun eve, I can
change back to 1 tick. I can run all week OK in this 1-tick mode with no 
changes, even though EVERY day has more than 13k ticks. 

This same error might be the cause of the crash during market hours. 
Because it crashes, I CAN NOT go back to make the 2-tick change, and thus 
I CAN NOT open the page. Sort of a chicken and egg problem :-).

Any thoughts (other than admonish me for trying a 'work around' cheat 
for TS :-)?
