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Flow trading

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Some of you have questionned publicly and privately the work I do, gently 
dismissing it as neanderthal trading for some (when not insulting me privately) 
because I don't use the latest gimmicks, or don't share established views.

Well there are various ways and methods to achieve trading success. The 
important thing is not so much the tools used, but the dedication to follow 
one's path.

For those who are curious to find out more what I do, here is what I posted on 
another list and which delves into my reasoning ways. Of course, some of you 
will find all of this childish and stupid: fine, nobody forces you to follow 
that path nor even to read it. One can always find something to dislike in 
other people, it is only a matter of attitude.
This is addressed to all those who remain constantly curious, always on the 
lookout for the different twist. This area is where my edge is, and it is free, 
has no bugs, nor bouncing ticks to set... The only thing is that it requires 
more work and demands to get rid of all certitudes over everything so as to 
achieve a blank mind, on which the market can come and play its music, with 
which you'll be fully in tune.


As an aside, I would hypothesize that if day trading is perceived to be a 
highly selective venture, it might be due to the fact one has to go directly to 
the third level of trading... like learning to drive a racing car, before 
knowing how to drive on the street.

Reading through that Shogun web site I mentionned yesterday, I found that piece 
that perfectly summarizes the way I try to approach trading myself. At my 
current state of understanding of trading matters, I found that after the 
discretionary trader stage, the systematic trader stage usually comes the flow 
trader stage, which is described below. I don't know though what evolution 
awaits those that fully master the flow stage... plus I have yet to master all 
these aspects anyway.

Nevertheless, my current working assumption or insight is that flow trading is 
not a separate state from the previous two ones, only some sort of merger of 
the two.  One has to remember the original enthusiasm of the markets generating 
a state of happiness of "getting involved" and combine it with the iron 
discipline of following strict sets of rules day in day out, while 
internalizing all these features, no longer "waiting" for the buy and sell 
arrows to appear on some trading screen but actually coming to act oneself even 
before such arrows would have shown up. The flow trader is already in or out of 
the position by the time the system trader acts. He is one with the market, not 
following it.

good reading


     In "The Way of the Warrior Trader", Dr. McCall keenly noted that
in his experience with successful traders he found that his clients
seemed to identify themselves almost "intimately" with their surroundings.
That is, these people seemed to flow with the ground they walked on,
with the door they opened, with the very air they breathed - all being
the elements of the inner selves these traders possessed. The apparently
extraordinary behavior of these people is directly attributable to their
great successes in the marketplace where they proved to themselves that
they were able to sell higher than they bought, day in and day out. Put
simply, they did not make it a point to prove to themselves that they
could "beat" or "conquer" the market. They made it a point to become an
inseparable part of the market and flow, or rather, synchronize with it.
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I just finished reviewing the last several months of messages relating to
Dynastore.  It sounds like most people are running TS4 with it.

Can anyone share with me their positive/negative experiences using
Dynastore feeding Quote.com's QFeed into TS2000i?  Is anyone doing this
successfully in real-time?

I'll be trading a very small set of futures.

Ron (Dynastore distributor): In September there was discussion about
handling history in case the system crashes in the middle of the day.  At
that point you mentioned it was next on the To-Do list.  Can you supply an
update if this is now available or when it might be? (for TS2000i)

I'd rather not switch to TS4 since my system is coded as a 32bit DLL.  If
Dynstore/TS2k won't work, I'll probably move to a custom QFeed app (with
non-graphical output).
