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Software Downloads, pretty good oscillator for trendiness

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In case you had trouble reading the .ela file
(for Tradestation 4) that I enclosed with the
original message, I have _tried_ to create a ZIP
archive on the world wide web, that contains information
in formats suitable for TS 3.5, TS 4, TS 2K, and
Metastock.  The download address is:


If you had trouble before, please download this ZIP
see what I've tried to do for your own unique and
special circumstances.

> October 19, 1999
> I've been fooling around with indicators that try
> to answer the question "Is this market in a trend?
> And if so, how strongly is it trending?"  I found
> one that looks sort of promising and I am including
> it as an attachment to this message.
> I suppose I should disclose my own personal trading
> biases and preferences, in case they have accidentally
> or deliberately influenced my efforts:
>   * I am a long-term trendfollower and so I look
>     for indications of long-term trends
>   * I don't work with tick-by-tick data or with
>     hourly data; I focus on daily bars
>   * I seek an indicator that will work equally well
>     on all markets that trend long-term; I don't
>     want one indicator for Bonds, another for Yen,
>     and a third for Coffee
> With those caveats, I went looking for a "trendiness"
> indicator and I think I might have found the beginnings
> of one.  I call it "PG_trendosc" ("Pretty Good trend
> oscillator") and it seems to work reasonably well.
> To test out the indicator, I created a simple trading
> system that uses the indicator and nothing else.
> The system is merely
>       if indicator > +3.0 then go long
>       if indicator < -3.0 then go short
>       if indicator crosses 0.0 then exit and go flat
> As you can see, the performance of this system is 100%
> determined by the performance of the indicator.  So
> it's a quick and easy way to get a reading on whether
> or not the indicator is performing well.
> I subjected this little system to two different tests:
>   (1) the MAXIMUM SLIPPAGE test;
> ========================================================
> The MAXIMUM SLIPPAGE test comes from Bruce Babcock's
> book "Profitable Commodity Futures Trading from A to Z",
> specifically the interview with Fred Gehm.  [by the way,
> Fred's own book _Quantitative_Trading_&_Money_Management_
> is *excellent*].  On page 178 of Babcock's book, Fred
> Gehm describes his "torture test" for futures trading
> systems:
>    "...by subjecting it to the worst possible conditions.
>    For example, he always assumes he is filled at the
>    high of the day for buys, and the low of the day for
>    sells.  "If a trading system survives that, it should
>    be pretty resilient to other market adversities."
> This is a GREAT idea.  It imposes the MAXIMUM SLIPPAGE
> on a trade, both at the entry and at the exit.
> Of course, this is hard to do using Omega Research
> products.  So I implemented the MAXIMUM SLIPPAGE
> test in other, non-Omega, software.  And I applied
> it to the simple system (attached) that buys and
> sells based on my trendiness indicator.
> I ran the little system on 20 futures markets that I
> happen to trade myself in my own real-money account.
>    BP   CD   CL   CT   DM
>    DX   FY   HG   HO   HU
>    JO   JY   KC   LB   MB
>    NG   SF   TU   TY   US
> The test ran from 01 Jan 1987 to 07 Aug 1999, a
> period of about twelve and a half years.  I
> used exactly the same code and exactly the same
> parameter values on all markets.
> Although the simple trading system only buys
> and sells at market-on-the-open, in this test
> PRICE: buy orders were filled at the high of
> the day, sell orders were filled at the low of
> the day.  On top of this, a commission of $25.00
> per round trip trade was also assessed.
> Under these conditions, the simple trading system
> still managed to have 269 winning trades [and 379
> losing trades], a winning percentage of 41.5%.
> Average profit per trade (when trading one-lots)
> was $438.95.  Think about that --- even with the
> worst possible slippage on BOTH entry AND exit,
> the system made over $400 per trade.  Wow.
> That's pretty robust.  Imagine how much better it
> would do when the oscillator is incorporated into
> a more sophisticated system (having, for example,
> trailing stops and MAE stops and filters and so on.)
> It makes me think this is probably a Pretty Good
> oscillator.
> ========================================================
> ========================================================
> Next I applied some betsizing rules to the little
> system and tested it using non-Omega software.
> (It's difficult to test multicommodity systems
> that trade all markets out of the same account,
> using TradeStation)
> The betsizing rules I used in this test were:
>     Start off with $80K equity at the beginning of the test
>     Bet a variable percentage of equity on every trade
>     Make the variable percentage equal to 2.0%, times "A"
>         where "A" is an "aggressiveness" factor.  When
>         the account is small, we will be aggressive.  When
>         the account is big, we will be unaggressive.
>     Calculate A as a function of total account equity,
>         using these piecewise linear equations:
>         if (equity < 100K) or (equity > 1.3M) then A=1.0
>         if (100K < equity < 180K) then
>               A = 1.0 + ((equity - 100K)/80K)
>         if (180K < equity < 600K) then
>               A = 2.0 - (0.6 * (equity - 180K)/420K)
>         if (600K < equity < 1.3M) then
>               A = 1.4 - (0.4 * (equity - 600K)/700K)
> I reverted back to normal commission+slippage of $75 per
> contract per round trip trade, for this portfolio test.
> The same 20 markets were tested for the same time period,
> and the same buy and sell rules were used in all markets
> (the same ones that were used in the MAX SLIPPAGE test).
> The summary results for this portfolio+betsizing test were:
>       80000.00     Starting equity
>    88277536.00     Final equity
>    88197536.00     Net profit
>          72.85     Compound Annual Growth Rate (percent per yr)
>          45.13     Max Drawdown (percent) on 920521
>            239     Days in longest drawdown   ending on 960405
>          1.614     (CAGR / MAXDD) Ratio
>          46.53     Annual Standard Deviation (percent)
>          30.52     Average max annual drawdown (percent)
>         10.189     Percent of days making new equity highs
>          1.458     Sharpe Ratio
>          2.097     Semideviation Ratio
>          6.248     Return Retracement Ratio
>          1.645     Sterling Ratio
>         870101     First day of test
>         990809     Last day of test
>           3288     # days in test
>          75.00     Slippage and commission per round trip trade
> I would point out that the Sharpe ratio is relatively
> high, and so are the various modifications of the Sharpe
> ratio that Jack Schwager presents in his book "Managed
> Futures" (semideviation, RRR, etc).  The one that *I*
> personally focus upon is the "CAGR/MAXDD Ratio" but you
> may have a different favorite.
> If you prefer to look at the full equity curve rather
> than these end-of-test summary statistics, I've made
> it available on the web, at
> <http://www.mjohnson.com/trecipes/pg1.xls>http://www.mjohnson.com/trecipes
> /pg1.xls
> When I look at these test results, again I come to
> the conclusion that this is probably a Pretty Good
> oscillator.
> Try it out for yourself -- horse around with the
> oscillator, or the simple trading system, or both.
> See what YOU think.  Improve it if you want.  Learn.
> Have fun.  Trade well.
> I hope you enjoyed reading this.
>   -Mark Johnson
>    mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx

   Mark Johnson     Silicon Valley, California     mark@xxxxxxxxxxxx

   "... The world will little note, nor long remember, what we
    say here..."   -Abraham Lincoln, "The Gettysburg Address"