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AW: Neuro/Fuzzy Recommendation for TS?

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Really charming.


| -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
| Von:	pierre.orphelin [SMTP:pierre.orphelin@xxxxxxxxxx]
| Gesendet am:	Wednesday, October 20, 1999 4:30 PM
| An:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
| Betreff:	Re: Neuro/Fuzzy Recommendation for TS?
| ----- Message d'origine ----- 
| De : Gwenael Gautier <ggautier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
| A : 'pierre.orphelin' <pierre.orphelin@xxxxxxxxxx>
|  .>It is just sad you can't  help pushing your thing, and are absolutely
|  unable to admit any other opinion 
| > than yours.
| I admit stupid opinions for what they are: stupid.
| > 
|  > only for evaluation, so you still hope to sell it, do you? Or is it free
|  > for 
| > public use without limitations?
|  > 
| The software is for sale. Can you read ?
| The evaluation version is for free with a  few limitation.
|  > | Either you try the software and report what you have found, or stay out
|  > | of a
| > | debate
| > | where you have nothing new to bring.
| > 
| > Don't be so quick to judge. I have already seen it, and could not find it 
| > overly convincing to my  regret. That doesn't mean it won't work some of the
| > 
| > time, and maybe I'll even find ways to use it for myself. However be sure in
| > 
| > that case I won't pay for it given your above claims. You can't be two
| > things 
| > at the same time, preaching selflessness and charging (heftily) at the same
| > 
| > time. I'll just assume the selflessness hence...
| You are mixing personal problems with supposed use of the software.
| I think that you have a problem with software vendors ( Omega Research,
| us...).
| You even do not like AI techniques because you have failed to succeed with it.
| An rely on instutional experience for that too.
| > 
| > The issue anyway is the misrepresentation of claims people only have to use
| > 
| > your thing to be successful, which is totally wrong and dangerous.
| > 
| I never said that.
| Put meaningless indicators into the software (not related to the moves to be
| learnt)
| and it will produce consistent losing systems.
| > Thanks for judging my character. May I infer you have never been lazy in any
| > 
| > way yourself? Remarkable. 
| Right.
| >BTW, is being lazy not doing the same things you do, 
| > or does doing other things besides testing Sirtrade extensively still
| > qualify 
| > for a valid occupation?
| > 
| No if you want to give advices on it.
| > | I develop trading systems since 1988,
| > 
| > Good for you. Since you want to compare, let's compare. I trade since 1982.
| > I 
| > still happily use today some form of the method I used then. It survived all
| > 
| > market ups and downs since, thank you.  I started with pen and pencil, and
| > can 
| > still do so today if my PC goes down..., and wherever I am.
| I see.
| Neanderthal trading.
| Sory, not for me.
| > Contrary to you I admitted publicly all of my various trading mistakes and I
| > 
| > have made MANY. Since I can't remember seeing you admit anything, I must
| > assume 
| > you are either perfect, or have much to hide. Attaquing me on my admitting
| > my 
| > failures to achieve this and that or do this and that is not a sign of
| > strength 
| > of your part.
| > 
| I have nothing to hide and I'm as I write.
| When I'm sure of something, I post.
| In any other case, I shut up. You shoud try.
| >   
| > So just use them and stop trying to convince everyone how great you are so
| > they 
| > all buy it from you.
| > 
| Sorry, but I'll continue both ( trading the systems and Safir related
| activities)
|  > 
| > This is a vendors signature to me.
| > 
| I do not care.
| Here is a new one for you:
|   -Pierre Orphelin
| Neurofuzzy Logic tools for TradeStation
| Free evaluation versions and competitive upgrades available
| web: http://www.sirtrade.com