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Trading Reference Links

          Hear Ye!       Hear Ye!

Come One, Come All, to the Greatest Trading Match
             of All Time!

   To Be Held in Las Vegas at the Flamingo Hilton

In the far corner...  OM and PO...  Trading on ProSuite 2000i SP3!

And, in the near corner... MB and TJ...  Trading on TraderWare Beta Release 46,322!

5 days of Knock-down, Drag-out, No-holds-barred trading!  

        Any Market - Any Size - Day and Night

For 5 days these men will trade.  At the end of 5 days, profits and losses will be tallied.  

       And To the Victors Go All the Spoils!

Contest Rules:

(1)  No spitting, cussing, or lewd gestures.
(2)  No short sales of OMGA.
(3)  No impersonating the other team's brokers.
(4)  No unplugging the other team's computers, data feeds, or phone lines.
(5)  No drooling (MB only).
(6)  No sleeping.

Should PO and OM prevail, all profits will go directly into OMGA stock.  Should MB and TJ prevail, all profits will go to The Home for Recovering ProSuite Users.