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Re: Online trading service consumer report

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Ullrich, is the $14 figure inclusive of ECN fees and any other "misc"

Also, is there any distinction made between execution routings?
Limit/market/stop orders?  Order size?

By the way, 10 seconds is  not good for an island execution in which the
other side of the trade is present at your price;  I hope it is much better
than 10 seconds in this case!

Thx,  Dave Johnson
-----Original Message-----
From: Ullrich Fischer <uf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 4:51 PM
Subject: Online trading service consumer report

>I've been live with Cybercorp's Cyber-X trading system for two days
>now.  It is astonishingly better than my previous online brokerage for
>daytrading and/or short term position trading.  The executions have been
>instantaneous -- typically less than 10s from the time I pull the trigger
>to the time I get confirmation that the trade has completed.  I get an
>immediate log entry showing all my trades (open and closed) and where they
>are in P/L terms.  Stop loss and on stop orders are held on my PC until the
>trigger conditions come up, then they are automatically submitted as market
>orders.   If I want to short a stock, I just have to enter it in their
>order entry window and run my mouse over the short button to see how may
>(if any) shares are available for shorting.  Their telephone response has
>been instantaneous as well.  Once when I called, my hand was literally
>still moving back from finishing dialing when the call was answered.  Their
>fees work out to roughly $US 14 per trade vs $US 29 for my previous online
>broker.  If all the above weren't enough, they sponsor a chat room where
>everyone using their services can comment on what's happening with the
>service and the markets.  They have several of their employees in the chat
>room during trading hours who give almost instant responses to any
>technical questions that may come up.  This is the way online trading
>should be.  To top it all off, I get a break on my datafeed fees by trading
>through them.
>The only things I miss from the service so far, (and they say both are
>coming real soon now) is getting transaction fees included in the P/L logs
>and access to options trading.
>Their URL is www.cybercorp.com.
>I have no connection with the above company except as a pleasantly
>surprised customer.   -uf
>At 03:55 PM 10/15/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>For the last week I've using BestDirect's direct connection to Globex
>>2.  The speed is unbelievable.  I am getting fills back to my screen in
>>2-3 seconds.
>>(BTW--I have no connection with them except as a customer.)