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Re: Complaints may help (was: WHEN WILL...)

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Once again I am impressed with your reasonableness.  I suspect I could learn a
lot from your example.

I could agree with your view that "by all accounts, TS is still the best
product of its kind out there".  But I can't agree if you are referring to
TS2K.  As you pointed out "TS4 was quite solid and worked well within its
limitations".  I guess this begs the question:  Why don't people send TS2K back
for a refund and continue using TS4 until OR gets the new model ready for
public consumption?

You shed some light on this question when you mention the "huge investment of
time and money that I've got in TS."  This relates to my
"sewing-the-button-back-on-the-new-shirt" situation I brought up earlier.  It's
a slippery path.

Analogies are odious, but, if you bought a new car and you learned that it
would probably stop dead for over 10 hours each month, would you consider
taking it back?  Or would you be so impressed with it's sleek lines and nifty
features that you would put up with this?  Of course, the manufacturer would
probably recall such a vehicle and quickly solve your problem.  Especially if
they were one of the leaders in the industry.

Ullrich Fischer wrote:

> I'm actually all in favor of rocking the boat, just not sinking this
> particular boat.  Yes, 10 hours of my time once every month or so is a
> royal pain in the ass -- especially if it happens to take out a trading day
> in the process -- but by all accounts, TS is still the best product of its
> kind out there.  Granted it is pricey and buggy, but it is also getting
> better with time.  TS4 was quite solid and worked well within its
> limitations.  If given the chance, I have no reason to doubt that OR will
> eventually get TS2Ki to the same state and we'll all benefit from the
> improvements over TS4.    I'm far from suggesting it is perfect or that OR
> is even close to being infallible, but I don't see any benefit for myself
> or others in going ballistic about it.  I'm in no hurry to change trading
> platforms and walk away from the (by now) rather huge investment of time
> and money that I've got in TS.  If I thought that OR was not trying to
> improve the product, I might change my position on this, but I can see
> progress.  -uf
> At 06:56 PM 10/11/99 -0700, Stephen Wandling wrote:
> >Ullrich I have just read your 'reasonable' complaints.  Regarding TS2K,
> >you have  told us that you "find it quite useful and in a few areas, a
> >distinct improvement on what I had under TS4".
> >
> >Then you tell us that you sometimes have a problem when "GlobalServer
> >hangs while loading symbol list when I ask it to come up online.   I
> >find that when this happens I have to shut GlobalServer down from NT
> >Task Manager, then bring GlobalServer up again in OffLine mode, go
> >through the 10+ hour process of exporting, renaming, importing the
> >server\pds directory, then finally go back to online mode."
> >
> >And you find this quite useful?  Spending 10+ hours of your life trying
> >to nurse this sick puppy back to health!  This is useful?  Bill Cruz
> >must be smirking if he read that.  "The sheep are peaceful tonight".
> >
> >I say that if you do not go totally berserk with Omega when this happens
> >then you are not only selling yourself short, but you are letting down
> >all of the users of this product, both current and potential.
> >
> >It is a sad fact that as quality diminishes in our society, our will to
> >challenge this reduced quality also has diminished.  "Hey, it only cost
> >$50, it's no big deal if one button falls off."
> >
> >Ullrich, I don't mean to be singling you out.  I'm just trying to say
> >how very sad it makes me feel to see my fellow men acting like slaves in
> >the face of this corporate indifference.
> >
> >Ok group, page 21, all together now:
> >
> >"I will not rock the boat"
> >"I will take what is given to me"
> >
> >That was pretty good, but once more, with feeling:
> >
> >"I will not rock the boat"
> >"I will take what is given to me"
> >
> >Good boy!