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> -- Gary wrote:
> > Omega's firm belief in Omega Man's "tough shit,
> > you bought it, now go away" attitude is,
> > I believe, what will ruin them.
> This is not my "attitude".  My point, the point which you and others on
this list refuse to accept, the point which I have been making on this list
for the last two years, is as follows:
> Omega is a value producer.  They have produced something.  The
complainers, the bashers, the demanders, have produced nothing.  How easy it
is to complain!  And how hard it is to produce great things of value!

I think that Gary who is a good programmer knows that may be better than you
And since I began to learn VBA and VB6, I realized too!!
> In any contest between a value producer and a non-producer, the value
producer always wins.  If anything, it is the non-producer who deserves to
be the brunt of the bashing and complaining.  But in a world turned
upside-down, it is the producer who is bashed.  Why?  Because he is good -
because he has produced something!

You are like a french reseller : "You don't want to reconize that TS has
some bugs and could be perfected : to summarize according to you,  TS is
My advice: try to get married with the french reseller !!

We ALL KNOW that TS is the BEST AVAILABLE software, but it doesn't mean that
it can't be perfected!
> Please note:  I do not say that you may not make requests.  What I say is
that the value producer, by virtue of his production, has not incurred a
debt to you, has not incurred an obligation to you, does not owe any more
production to you.  So you may request, yes, but you may not, you have no
right to, make *demands*.

Yes , it's a demand : I pay my Data and if I loose them, I will be hard to
get them back !
I reported this bug 2 months ago and I hope it will be fixed with SP3.

> Philippe's letter was in the form of a demand.  Then, in addition, he
attempted to blackmail Omega by forwarding his comments to this list.  I
know a black hat when I see one.  And I will call the black hat out, every
I hope that one day you won't loose your data because of a bug !!

If it happens to you, you will remind these mails and understand why I was
