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Omega Man wrote:
> One of the keys to reducing the size of your EasyLanguage
> executable (and avoiding the need to write a dll) is reducing the
> number of inputs and variables you use. Where possible, use fixed
> numbers in place of inputs
This will reduce your EXE size slightly.
> and use the built-in variables (Value1,
> Value2, ...) in place of user-declared variables.
You can see exactly how changes influence your EXE size by looking at
the TOK file for your study. I don't think you can guess the final
size of the EXE, but you can tell what changes the size.
To find the appropriate TOK file: verify your study, open a DOS
window, and type:
cd \omega\ts (or wherever your OMEGA directory is)
dir /o:-d *.tok | more
The first TOK file (ignoring ERRORS.TOK) is the most recently-changed
file, so that should be the TOK file for your study. Let's say your
file is S0310.TOK. Now you can make changes to your study and see
how much, if any, it changes the size by running "DIR S0310.TOK".
Here are the results of a few experiments:
1. One-line system containing the line "buy;": 379 bytes.
2. Add comments: NO CHANGE
3. Add code containing value1, value2, value3: 1446 bytes.
4. Replace valueX with NAMED variables: NO CHANGE
5. Replace named vars with inputs: 1692
As you can see, comments and named variables are "free." They DO NOT
increase your EXE size AT ALL, yet they greatly increase the
readability of your program. Also, by using named variables you
don't introduce bugs by accidentally typing "Value21" instead of
"Value12" or something like that. In my opinion there is no reason
to EVER use ValueX variables, other than tiny throw-away examples --
they just make your code harder to read and more error-prone.
Moving code from your study into a function will reduce the size of
your TOK file, because it only shows the size of the system or
indicator that you removed the code from. It WILL NOT necessarily
reduce the size of your overall system or indicator. In fact if the
code appears only once in your code, your EXE will get *bigger* if
you move the code into a function, due to the function-call overhead,
parameter passing, etc.
If the same code appears 2 or 3 times in your study, then you will
probably save space by moving it into a function. E.g. if you have a
5-line sequence that appears 3 times, you might save space by moving
those 3 occurences into a function. If you have a 10-line sequence,
you'll probably save space if it appears only twice in your study.
You'll just have to try it and see if the EXE fits.
However, remember that functions won't have access to all the local
variables in your study. You'll have to pass everything in. And you
won't be able to *CHANGE* the variables in your study, other than by
using the single return value of the function. That might make it
tough to move the code into a function.