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AW: SPECIAL upgrade offer !

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I fully agree with these statements, in particular the part about the total 
lack of concern for your customers. Your marketing and customer relations 
service are a JOKE, and I mean it. At this pace, it is only a matter of time 
until your product dies. Even reliance on high turnover and finding new 
unsuspicious customers won't do the trick over time. There are now many 
alternatives, and the need for TS is rapidly dwindling, especially with this 
kind of support.

For my part. I have taken this a step further, TS being absolutely inapproriate 
for safe trading, I did not bother upgrading from 4.0 or even installing a Y2K 
patch. I am past that, and have completely uninstalled TradeStation from my PC. 
I now use other more effective and reliable tools with a much higher 
satisfaction degree, and way lower stress level.

BTW I am dongle 5167. In an orderly world, I should be one of your strong 
supporters, but you really blew it.

No regards at all, just like you,

Gwenael Gautier

| -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
| Von:	hans esser [SMTP:he96@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
| Gesendet am:	Tuesday, September 07, 1999 7:23 PM
| An:	Ralph.Cruz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
| Cc:	Bill.Cruz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; OfficeOfThePresident@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
| omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
| Betreff:	SPECIAL upgrade offer !
| Dear Sir,
| I dont want to miss to thank you very much for the
| 	""SPECIAL upgrade offer""
| I received with todays mail - september 7th 1999.
| First I have been unable to realize whats so SPECIAL with that 	
| ""SPECIAL upgrade offer"", but finally I discovered it.
| It has expired some 7 days ago. <g> It had been mailed from
| Florida on AUG, 24th with 25cents of postage on a large letter and
| took about 2 weeks from the US to germany, which does not
| suprise me with that low priority on it. However all brokers and
| exchanges I know get their material to me in 5 days latest.
| You wrote: " Several weeks ago I sent you a letter......" - I have not
| received anything before - probably you didnt have any stamp on it
| at the time.
| Further: "CALL...to get your upgrade price and take advantage of
| the savings we designed exlusively for you - EXPIRES august 31st,
| 1999"
| FINALLY I did understand that - you sent it late on purpose, so it
| has expired before it arrives and I dont start thinking to throw out
| $500 - thats real EXCLUSIVELY nice - THANK YOU.
| Already some 3 years ago I had some email exchange with your
| brother and complained about the BAD customer treatment your
| company has in general and the TOTAL ignorance of european
| customers in special. He wrote: " I have read your mail many times "
| - but obviously not understood.
| You have lots of european users and still dont know after many
| years how to get a letter in time to them, while you spend a fortune
| to tour the whole of the US with your dog & pony show. Or cant you
| afford a proper stamp after that anymore or havent you heard of
| bulk mailing to an european service ?
| Please dont bother to EXTEND my UPGRADE period, as I cant
| bother to throw one more $ after a company who doesnt even
| spend ONE to inform me about their developments.
| thanks
| rgds hans esser
| TS 4.0 !