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Re: Thanks re. BMI/cable Receiver "Normal Operation"

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At 11:05 AM -0700 8/26/99, Carroll Slemaker wrote:

>Thanks to all who helpfully responded on this issue.  It appears that the
>boot-time problem is well known and is primarily a Windows problem - Windows
>thinks the BMI COM port is a mouse.  There must, however, be some
>contributing factor within the BMI box also because I never had such a
>problem with my Signal/cable box.  In any event, since I now know the cause,
>it's a minor issue.

Microsoft has information on its web site on how to disable the 
search for a serial mouse, if this is your problem.

The text is below,

Bob Fulks


How to Disable Detection of
    Devices on Serial Ports

Article ID: Q131976

   The information in this article applies to:

         Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1
         Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
         Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0
         Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0


   This article explains how to modify the Boot.ini file to disable the
   detection of devices on COM ports.

   When you start Windows NT, NTDETECT searches for the pointing
   device (usually a mouse). In the course of this process, data is sent to
   the serial (COM) ports. If a serial mouse is detected, Windows NT
   disables the port so a device driver for the mouse can load instead. If
   a device is not detected, Windows NT disables the port. A disabled
   COM port does not display any information in Control Panel Ports.


   To disable the detection of devices on COM ports in Windows NT:

       1.Make a backup copy of the Boot.ini file.

       2.Remove the hidden, system, and read-only attributes from the
         Boot.ini file.

       3.Using a text editor (such as Notepad) open the Boot.ini file.

       4.Add the /NoSerialMice option to the end of each entry in the
         [operating systems] section of Boot.ini. See the example below
         for more information.

       5.Save Boot.ini and quit Notepad.

       6.Restore the hidden, system, and read-only attributes to the
         Boot.ini file.

       7.Shutdown and restart Windows NT.

   The following is a sample of the Boot.ini file:

      [boot loader]

      [operating systems]
      multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT35="Windows NT Workstation
         Version 3.51" /NoSerialMice

      multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT35="Windows NT Workstation
         Version 3.51 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos /NoSerialMice

   NoSerialMice Syntax

   /NoSerialMice          - Disables the detection of serial mice on
                            all COM ports.

   /NoSerialMice:COMx     - Disables the detection of serial mice on
                            COM x, where x is the number of the port.

   /NoSerialMice:COMx,y,z - Disables the detection of serial mice on
                            COM x, y and z.

   NOTE: The /NoSerialMice option is not case sensitive.

   Keywords          : kbusage nthowto
   Version           : WinNT:3.1,3.5,3.51,4.0
   Platform          : winnt
   Issue type        : kbhowto

                   Last Reviewed: February 23, 1999
        © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.