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maximum numbers of elements in an array

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Hi all,

I created this signal in order to know what is the maximum numbers of
elements which can be stored in an array.

According to Putt, it was 8000 with TS4
According to S.K. Tennis it's 16000
But it seems it can be more with TSY2K : I managed to get 19894 elements in
the MessageLog until ....
my PC hanged up due to too low memory resources.
Have 128 Megs but with a lot of applications running.

Description : Signal for calculating the maximum number of elements in an
Provided By : Philippe Lhermie

Array: Myarray[20000](0);


If LastBarOnChart then begin
 For Counter = 0 to 5 begin
  {replace 5 up to 19999 gradually. Be carefull, your PC will hang up when
reaching big figures}
  MyArray[0] = 0;
  MyArray[Counter+1] = MyArray[Counter]+1;
  Print("Value of MyArray : ",MyArray[Counter],
   " Value of the Counter : ",Counter," Date : ",Date," Time : ",Time);

  {FileAppend("c:\Testarr.txt","Value of MyArray : "+","
  + NumToStr(MyArray[Counter],0)+","+" Value of the Counter : "+","
  +NumToStr(Counter,0)+","+" Date : "+","+NumToStr(Date,0)+","+" Time :
  + NumToStr(Time,0)+NewLine);}

Greetings from Paris,

