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RE: A Thought for the 4th

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At 12:45 PM 7/4/1999 -0500, meyer wrote:
>Can you name three things in this country that are not either
>taxed, regulated, or prohibited?
>Three things?
>GH Meyer
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Robert W Cummings [mailto:robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Sunday, July 04, 1999 11:51 AM
>> To: Gerald Marisch
>> Cc: Alexander Levitin; Robert W Cummings; grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx; Omega
>> List
>> Subject: Re: A Thought for the 4th
>> Gerald two things I'm better at than trading one is golf the other is
>> debating. One of the first things you learn about debating is to
>> be able to
>> take either side of the debate. I once won a debating contest about the
>> evils of smoking, and big tobacco while smoking.
>> In your post I could counter every negative thing you said with a positive
>> truth about President Clinton. Problem with that is I wouldn't
>> get anything
>> for winning this debate. Secondly I could never change your mind about
>> Clinton nor do I have a great stake in accomplishing that. Inspite of all
>> this I like reading your posts on this list. Although I'm on the
>> other side
>> of the fence on this issue I can appreciate your passion and spirit heck
>> you probably like Gingrich. That's the great thing about America we will
>> always fight among ourselves as Americans but join together to defend her
>> against all others. Happy Fourth of July Gerald and be sure to tune in to
>> Rush.
>> Robert
>> At 10:11 AM 7/4/1999 -0500, Gerald Marisch wrote:
>> >Robert:
>> >
>> >I'll write your inane comments about Komrade Klinton off as the driest of
>> >humor.  No American in their right political mind could ever
>> conceive this
>> >closet pedophile, this perjurer, this all-but-convicted felon as
>> "...a great
>> >President".
>> >
>> >On the other hand, you may be a died-in-the-wool Democrat
>> liberal with his
>> >head in political sand or up your a**.
>> >
>> >Klinton's administration has been an unabated series of lies,
>> deception and
>> >Orwellian "double speak".  Can anyone forget Klinton's, under-oath,
>> >perjurous answer of  "Depends upon what the definition of 'is' is"?
>> >
>> >And can anyone forget the wagging finger and statement, "I did
>> not have sex
>> >with that woman Monica Lewinsky", that costs $50 million of
>> taxpayers money
>> >to establish a criminal cover-up and finally find the truth.
>> Oh, I forget,
>> >that wasn't sex ("It matters how you define 'sex''", Bill Klinton) and a
>> >person's sex life, even if it wasn't sex, is a private matter.
>> >
>> >R-I-I-I-GHT!
>> >
>> >Klinton promised the American people no new taxes during a 1992
>> campaign and
>> >then implemented 24 new taxes his first elected year.
>> >
>> >Recently, Komrade Klinton's administration "found" $1 trillion.  Is their
>> >bookkeeping that inept?  I think I just answered my own
>> question.  Besides,
>> >its "legacy-building" time - and to hell with America.
>> >
>> >Klinton has been directly or indirectly responsible for the treasonous
>> >transfer of security secrets to a Communist dictatorship whose long-range
>> >goal is domination of our Republic.  And then Klinton - AGAIN -
>> lies about
>> >his knowledge of it.
>> >
>> >Foreign policy?  A total an unmitigated disaster.
>> >
>> >Foreign aspirin factories are mistakenly blown up.   Foreign
>> consulates are
>> >"mistakenly" bombed because of faulty maps (and if you believe
>> that one, can
>> >I interest you in some Whitewater..., eh, excuse me... swamp land?).
>> >Foreign American embassies - AMERICAN SOIL - and American
>> citizens blown up
>> >and no military intervention is forthcoming in response.
>> Military troops,
>> >whose mission is America's defense, are deployed to every third-rate
>> >country, for THAT country's defense / peacekeeping.
>> >
>> >And during some military conflicts, adequate munitions and armament are
>> >denied our troops, resulting in their bodies being dragged through the
>> >streets.  Oh, you don't remember Somalia??
>> >
>> >Maybe we should all send Klinton toy soldiers so he can play "Pretend
>> >Commander in Chief" while getting oral sex in the oval office.
>> No mother's
>> >sons or daughters would be killed that way.
>> >
>> >Closer to home, let's talk about our economy.  When first
>> elected, Klinton
>> >attempted to take over 1/5 of the American economy through his wife's
>> >"medi-care" fiasco.  The jury is still out on how dismal a failure this
>> >socialistic endeavor would have been if enacted.  Bi-partisanship?  Thank
>> >God bi-parisanship defeated this measure.
>> >
>> >OK, Klinton's restored our "failing" economy you say?  Our lofty
>> levels of
>> >the DOW have been achieved not BECAUSE OF Klinton, but IN SPITE
>> OF Klinton.
>> >His moral depravity pre-occupied him sufficiently to allow the private
>> >sector to earn profits with minimal government control.  Oh, for
>> there to be
>> >NO GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL, especially under this Klown's watch!
>> >
>> >Tax cuts and private-sector initiatives?  Now we come to Klinton
>> the thief.
>> >Steal Republican legislation, claim it as your own and enact it
>> with great
>> >fanfare.
>> >
>> >Shall we go on?  We can.  But in the interest of not wanting to
>> monopolize
>> >internet time, email me your arguments.  I'll respond publicly so all on
>> >this list can judge how "great" or treasonously-corrupt is
>> Komrade Klinton.
>> >
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Robert W Cummings <robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> >To: Alexander Levitin <alevitin@xxxxxxxx>
>> >Cc: grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx <grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List
>> ><omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> >Date: July 3, 1999 17:39
>> >Subject: Re: A Thought for the 4th
>> >
>> >
>> >>I think history will find President Clinton judged as a great president.
>> >>Accusing President Clinton of not treasuring our constitution completely
>> >>void of any merit. Wondering how somebody who expresses such
>> gratitude for
>> >>our freedom can also harbor so much hate expressed in found
>> less ridicule.
>> >>Until the time comes when you have done 1/millionth of what President
>> >>Clinton has done for his country your critical words will sound very
>> >>hollow. You simply tell us what you've done for yourself which was
>> >>interesting but nothing more. I also feel that every President we've had
>> >>loved his country and guarded our constitution very much even President
>> >>Nixon. The American public elects and keeps our presidents never under
>> >>estimate their wisdom.
>> >>
>> >>Robert
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> How can we have such a president and be happy with him? How our
>> >>>military could have such commander-in-chief? I do not care if
>> president is
>> >>>a peanut farmer, actor, grocery shop owner, soldier and likes
>> many women.
>> >>>But he should treasure the principal of  our constitution more then his
>> >>>life, because the life without such principals is not a life
>> at all. Did
>> >we
>> >>>sell our souls for 10,000 on the Dow?
>> >>>
>> >>>Alex.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >