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Re: truth is the greater imperative - wrapup

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**** my comments below - TJ

jim wrote:

I've gotten a little behind on this thread (busy with the market and 
post-mortem work), but here is my reply to your post of this morning:

 >pardon me, but ron has every right to challenge what appear to be
 outrageous complaints as this "writer" is prone to make.<

Absolutely. Ron is one of the guys who makes this list work, through
programming skills and his generosity. I wasn't criticizing his right
challenge another post. My one liner was meant to be a gentle nudge
the readers (especially the newbies) that Ron *may* have an axe to

As for this "writer", let's call him TJ, he also is a major, major 
contributor to the list. He doesn't do much EL, 


**** never claimed to be an el expert, that's why i joined the list, to
learn more, the good and bad about el. i originally got ts to run with
visual pattern designer, but it didn't work as i had been led to
believe by omega and the vpd guys. now i use it for momentum,
acceleration, and pivot point reversal studies. i've had it for 4+
years now. it's ok, but i believe better may be around the corner.


but he is one of the few 
contributors who gives basic, sound, in-the-trenches trading wisdom. As
long time discretionary trader I get more benefit from TJ's posts than
Ron's 'cause I don't do EL either. 


**** thanks jim. if tom would read my posts, then he would see where
i'm coming from. if i remember correctly, you and i had an off list
brush a while back. i'm still learning this business, no one will ever
understand it completely. never stop learning, always question
authority and conventional wisdom.


Yes, TJ is brusk, irreverent, cynical, 
arrogant......in fact he has *ALL* the attributes needed to survive as
trader. My kind of guy. And after 30+ years in the investment business,
of what TJ says rings true.


**** arrogant - check, balanced with humility to realize when the
market is greater than my model

irreverent - check, balanced with humor and learning to laugh at myself

brusk - check, i'm not an ass kisser, and refuse to bow down before any

cynical - check, balanced with a sort of cautious optimism that newbies
will be better prepared with unhyped info from the i-net. 


Case in point: I think if you could take TJ's 
original post describing the collapse of the latest piece-of-crap
system du 
jour and survey  all of the brokers in the country who have at least 15
or 20 
years experience, you would find that they would agree that it
describes a 
situation that is not atypical. This is so obvious to me that I was
by Ron's reaction and I began to wonder if Ron had an axe to grind -
my post in response to Ron's. Ron has since posted that it was TJ's
that prompted his post. I can buy that. I am sure TJ can too. He trades
S&P's. He's tough ! !


**** i'm emotionally stable when trading, totally focused on my plan
and executing it properly. i don't fear failure nor do i fear success,
fear is irrevlant, fear is a killer. i don't care a wit what others
think about me or my ideas, so i have no ego to bruise. and i've got a
trading hide as thick as thick as a rhino's. i've been called every
profane name to my face, done the same in return, including to myself.
there's nothing that tom or ron can say that can bother me, and that
probably frustrates the hell outta them :)) best to say that i'm a
survivor. and crazy as hell. and forever a practical joker.

>i have observed  ron's thoughtful and deliberative demeanor on this
for months and his contributions have always been impartial and in the
 interests of the group at large.<

Yes, I agree !  Weeeellll, impartial?  There *was* the time he
expressed his 
support for Clinton - - or  was that someone else ? ;-)


**** yep, but ron was probably illustrating absurdity by being absurd. 


> unfortunately, individuals, such as the "writer", are repeatedly
prone to 
making blanket critical  generalizations without any supportive 
documentation, tarnishing others reputations in the process, but, 
fortunately, demonstrating their own stupidity, biases, and
one-sidedness at 
the same time.<

I think TJ addressed this in an earlier post, although I only glanced
at it, 
so, maybe not. 


**** yes i did, i praised jurik, global variable guys, lebeau. a while
back, i gave manning some crap for some stupid reason that i now
forget, but i respect his part in the litigation against the cftc. best
to say that piss fights could be mitigated by reading rather than


I can agree with some of this. Bias? Probably. Just like you 
and me. One-sided? Probably. Just like me and maybe you. Stupid?
not! But isn't it the height of pomposity for me to presume to judge
Sorry TJ.


**** if we were not biased, then there would be no markets. trading the
s&p's is 100% preparation, determination, and guts and 0% luck. i don't
believe in luck, luck is for gamblers.


I realize I could be completely full of crap about all of this. But
Tom, if 
you think so, and can't resist the urge to e-mail me and tell me what a

stupid empty-headed loser bozo I am - please don't copy the whole list.
First, they already know it and, second, we have already taken up took
of their time on this stupid thread!  And, hopefully, any additional
by anyone else will go off list!

Again, my apologies to those that are still reading.



**** no apologies are needed, and none are expected, it's just another
opportunity to inject some more trading thoughts, to turn a silk purse
out of a sow's ear
