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Re: Information

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

At 11:52 PM -0400 6/19/99, The Omega Man wrote:

>One fact is this:  For me, the use of single precision arithmetic in EL does
>not impair its usefulness.

I did not say EL is not useful. For my purposes, TradeStation 4.0 is the
most useful trading program available today. But, like all products, it has
limitations. Single precision arithmetic is one of its limitation that you
must understand and work around if you are going to get accurate results.
Not understanding this can lead to serious errors in your trading systems.
Pretending that the problem isn't there doesn't make it go away.

Operations can be coded in ways that either accentuate or minimize the
effects of numerical precision. The example quoted, Omega's "Average"
series function, is a good example. The way it is coded makes it very much
affected by the precision error. This is unfortunate is such a frequently
used function, particularly when adding a few characters to the code could
have totally eliminated the problem:

Instead of:

   if CurrentBar = 1

they could have used:

   if Mod(CurrentBar, 128) = 1

and the errors would have been almost totally eliminated with less than a
1% degradation in speed.

>On VB and other languages:  I cannot think of a more critical issue than the
>language/functionality provided with our trading software.

I agree. But Omega products do not use VB so I think the discussion is more
appropriate in some other forum. On this list let's concentrate on how to
more effectively use EasyLanguage since this is what we have to work with
in the Omega products.

>What is trivia to you may not be trivia to others.

I do not believe I said trivial. (No discussion among intelligent people is
ever trivial.) I said "useless" on the Omega list which means "serving no
useful purpose on this list".
