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Re: Code for Fast Fourier Transform

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>Can you send me code for the FFT?  Thanks.

Here you go ... but its in C ...
What i'm looking for is a TESTED code for EL to use in TS4.

Regards - jr

---- cut here ---

// FLT_TYPE is either typedef'd as double or float

BOOL DoFFT(int nPow2Data, FLT_TYPE* pInData, FLT_TYPE* fftAmpdata, FLT_TYPE*
fftPhidata, FLT_TYPE fEffValue, FLT_TYPE fLowBorder)
FLT_TYPE totalcos;
FLT_TYPE totalsin;
FLT_TYPE totalamplit;

FLT_TYPE* cosdata = (FLT_TYPE*) malloc(nPow2Data * sizeof(FLT_TYPE));
FLT_TYPE* sindata = (FLT_TYPE*) malloc(nPow2Data * sizeof(FLT_TYPE));
if (!cosdata || !sindata) {
  return FALSE;
memset(sindata, 0, nPow2Data * sizeof(FLT_TYPE));

int n, nPow2Exp;
for (n=1, nPow2Exp=0; n < nPow2Data; ++nPow2Exp, n *= 2);

for (n=0; n<nPow2Data; ++n)
  cosdata[n] = pInData[n];

RawFft(cosdata, sindata, nPow2Exp, 1);

totalcos = totalsin = 0;

for (n=0; n<nPow2Data / 2; ++n) {

  fftAmpdata[n] = (FLT_TYPE) sqrt(cosdata[n] * cosdata[n] + sindata[n] *

  totalcos += cosdata[n];
  totalsin += sindata[n];

totalamplit = (FLT_TYPE) sqrt(totalcos * totalcos + totalsin * totalsin);

for (n=0; n<nPow2Data / 2; ++n) {

  fftAmpdata[n] /= totalamplit; // scales from 0 to 1

  if (fEffValue > 0) {
   fftAmpdata[n] *= fEffValue; // scales to effVal

  if (fLowBorder > 0) {
   fftAmpdata[n] = max(fftAmpdata[n], fLowBorder);

static FLT_TYPE lastValid = 0;

if (fftPhidata != NULL) {

  lastValid = 0;

  for (n=0; n<nPow2Data / 2; ++n) {

   if (sindata[n] != 0 && cosdata[n] != 0) {

//    fftPhidata[n] = (FLT_TYPE) (atan(cosdata[n] / sindata[n]) * 180. /
    fftPhidata[n] = (FLT_TYPE) ((atan2(cosdata[n], sindata[n])) * 90. / PI);

    lastValid = fftPhidata[n];
   else fftPhidata[n] = lastValid;



return TRUE;

/* PCFFT.C  -- by J.G.G. Dobbe -- Performs an FFT on two arrays (Re, Im) of
               type float (can be changed). This unit is written in C and
               doesn't call assembler routines.

/* --------------------- Include directive ------------------------ */
// #include "pcfft.h" - gone

/* --------------------- Local variables -------------------------- */

static FLT_TYPE CosArray[28] =
{ /* cos{-2pi/N} for N = 2, 4, 8, ... 16384 */
-1.00000000000000,  0.00000000000000,  0.70710678118655,
  0.92387953251129,  0.98078528040323,  0.99518472667220,
  0.99879545620517,  0.99969881869620,  0.99992470183914,
  0.99998117528260,  0.99999529380958,  0.99999882345170,
  0.99999970586288,  0.99999992646572,
  /* cos{2pi/N} for N = 2, 4, 8, ... 16384 */
-1.00000000000000,  0.00000000000000,  0.70710678118655,
  0.92387953251129,  0.98078528040323,  0.99518472667220,
  0.99879545620517,  0.99969881869620,  0.99992470183914,
  0.99998117528260,  0.99999529380958,  0.99999882345170,
  0.99999970586288,  0.99999992646572
static FLT_TYPE SinArray[28] =
{ /* sin{-2pi/N} for N = 2, 4, 8, ... 16384 */
  0.00000000000000, -1.00000000000000, -0.70710678118655,
-0.38268343236509, -0.19509032201613, -0.09801714032956,
-0.04906767432742, -0.02454122852291, -0.01227153828572,
-0.00613588464915, -0.00306795676297, -0.00153398018628,
-0.00076699031874, -0.00038349518757,
  /* sin{2pi/N} for N = 2, 4, 8, ... 16384 */
  0.00000000000000,  1.00000000000000,  0.70710678118655,
  0.38268343236509,  0.19509032201613,  0.09801714032956,
  0.04906767432742,  0.02454122852291,  0.01227153828572,
  0.00613588464915,  0.00306795676297,  0.00153398018628,
  0.00076699031874,  0.00038349518757

/* --------------------- Function implementations ----------------- */
/* --------------------- ShuffleIndex ----------------------------- */
static inline unsigned int ShuffleIndex(unsigned int i, int WordLength)

/* Function     : Finds the shuffle index of array elements. The array
                  must be a power of two; The power is stored in
   Return value : With "i" the source array index, "ShuffleIndex"
                  returns the destination index for shuffling.
   Comment      : -
  unsigned int  NewIndex;
  unsigned char BitNr;
  NewIndex = 0;
  for (BitNr = 0; BitNr <= WordLength - 1; BitNr++)
    NewIndex = NewIndex << 1;
    if ((i & 1) != 0) NewIndex = NewIndex + 1;
    i = i >> 1;
  return NewIndex;
/* --------------------- Shuffle2Arr ------------------------------ */
static void Shuffle2Arr(FLT_TYPE *a, FLT_TYPE *b, int bitlength, unsigned
int N)
/* Function     : Shuffles both arrays "a" and "b". This function is called
                 before performing the actual FFT so the array elements
                 are in the right order after FFT.
  Return value : -
  Comment      : -
  unsigned int  IndexOld, IndexNew;
  FLT_TYPE      temp;

// //  int bitlengthtemp = bitlength;                  /* Save for later use
//  N = 1;                                       /* Find array-length */
//  do
//  {
//    N = N * 2;
//    bitlengthtemp = bitlengthtemp - 1;
//  } while (bitlengthtemp > 0) ;

                                            /* Shuffle all elements */
  for (IndexOld = 0; IndexOld <= N - 1; IndexOld++)
  {                              /* Find index to exchange elements */
    IndexNew = ShuffleIndex(IndexOld, bitlength);
    if (IndexNew > IndexOld)
    {                                         /* Exchange elements: */
      temp = a[IndexOld];                             /* Of array a */
      a[IndexOld] = a[IndexNew];
      a[IndexNew] = temp;
      temp = b[IndexOld];                             /* Of array a */
      b[IndexOld] = b[IndexNew];
      b[IndexNew] = temp;
/* --------------------- Fft -------------------------------------- */
void RawFft(FLT_TYPE *Re, FLT_TYPE *Im, int Pwr, int Dir)

/* Function     : Actual FFT algorithm. "Re" and "Im" point to start of real
                 and imaginary arrays of numbers, "Pwr" holds the array
                 as a power of 2 while "Dir" indicates whether an FFT
                 or an inverse FFT must be performed (Dir<=0).
  Return value : The transformed information is returned by "Re"
                 and "Im" (real and imaginary part respectively).
  Comment      : -
  int pwrhelp;
  int N;
  int Section;
  int AngleCounter;
  int FlyDistance;
  int FlyCount;
  int index1;
  int index2;
  FLT_TYPE tempr, tempi;
// FLT_TYPE Re1, Re2, Im1, Im2;
// FLT_TYPE sqrtn;
  FLT_TYPE c, s;
  FLT_TYPE scale;
  FLT_TYPE temp;
  FLT_TYPE Qr, Qi;

  pwrhelp = Pwr;    /* Determine size of arrs */
  N = 1;
    N = N * 2;
  } while (pwrhelp > 0) ;

  Shuffle2Arr(Re, Im, Pwr, N); /* Shuffle before (i)FFT */

  if (Dir >= 1) AngleCounter = 0;  /* FFT */
  else          AngleCounter = 14;  /* Inverse FFT */
  Section = 1;
  while (Section < N)
    FlyDistance = 2 * Section;
    c = CosArray[AngleCounter];
    s = SinArray[AngleCounter];
    Qr = 1; Qi = 0;
    for (FlyCount = 0; FlyCount <= Section - 1; FlyCount++)
      index1 = FlyCount;
        index2 = index1 + Section;
          /* Perform 2-Point DFT  */

        tempr = (FLT_TYPE) 1.0 * Qr * Re[index2] - (FLT_TYPE) 1.0 * Qi *
        tempi = (FLT_TYPE) 1.0 * Qr * Im[index2] + (FLT_TYPE) 1.0 * Qi *

        Re[index2] = Re[index1] - tempr;  /* For Re-part */
        Re[index1] = Re[index1] + tempr;
        Im[index2] = Im[index1] - tempi;  /* For Im-part */
        Im[index1] = Im[index1] + tempi;

        index1 = index1 + FlyDistance;
      } while (index1 <= (N - 1));

      /*                 k                                  */
      /*  Calculate new Q = cos(ak) + j*sin(ak) = Qr + j*Qi */
      /*          -2*pi                                     */
      /*  with: a = -----                                   */
      /*            N                                       */
      temp = Qr;
      Qr   = Qr*c - Qi*s;
      Qi   = Qi*c + temp*s;
    Section = Section * 2;
    AngleCounter = AngleCounter + 1;
  if (Dir <= 0)        /* Normalize for */
  {           /* inverse FFT only */
    scale = (FLT_TYPE) 1.0/N;
    for (index1 = 0; index1 <= N - 1; index1++)
      Re[index1] = scale * Re[index1];
      Im[index1] = scale * Im[index1];