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Re; your losses when dealing with brokers who advertise on TV or on radio 
This commentary relates to 100% of the firms running national advertising on 
radio or TV, and a few, a very few, of the firms cold calling.  You lose 
because the brokerage firms are actual criminal syndicates that operate in 
partnership with many clearing firms.  All function with the approval of the 
NFA and the negligence of the CFTC.  To sum it up: you are an honest 
investor trying to make money by unknowingly trusting a group of real live 
criminals to guide you.

Here is how these criminal syndicates are structured.  The firms running 
media ads hire as brokers almost exclusively young new blood.  Their code 
word in hiring is, "we don't want to hire bad habits".  Sounds good, but 
what it really means is that they don't want to hire people who are smart 
enough to know that ONLY PURPOSE OF THE FIRMS are to swindle every client 
for every dime possible.  They all use the same swindling (selling) system, 
or modification of the system, to rob you.  Older brokers in these firms 
have "signed on" for criminal activity and know the score.

The mooch (you) calls in response to a TV infomercial or radio ad.  Your 
call TO them acts to protect them from legal action since YOU called THEM. 
They are able to use this act as one of many  "ten foot poles" to keep you 
from suing when you call and try to get money back.  Your call also prevents 
you from complaining to real law enforcement (as opposed to "fake" law 
enforcement of the NFA/CFTC variety) regarding telephone soliciting since it 
was you who initiated the call.  When you call in response to their ads you 
come in contact with one of these young know nothing guys (a few women) or 
established criminals who will send you materials after qualifying you for 
money and interest.  Your call is followed up by a phone call from them TO 
you, only after you get the stuff.  The fact that you possess all the U.S. 
Government approved materials before they call you back is again a device to 
keep you from suing over the bad trades because you were in full possession 
of the "facts" and risks before sending in money; another "ten foot pole" to 
keep you from complaining or to use in court if you wise up.

Now let's cover your call to them after seeing or hearing their ad.  You 
will talk to someone who has passed an FBI check, passed a government 
examination, and may have even graduated from grammar school.  Some have 
Ph.D.'s.  All have passed NFA Ethics tests and have little certificates to 
prove it.  They will tell you this.  Anyone you talk with has learned a 
script.  He or she has all your possible objections written down and 
memorized and has been furnished prepared company rebuttals to your 
objections.  All materials have been committed to memory.  In many places a 
manager or two roam the sales floor to be sure the salespeople "stick to the 
script" and to act as a helper to handle a potential client who may be 
putting up a good fight.  Believe me, you won't say anything to these people 
they haven't heard before and they will have a scripted rebuttal to whatever 
you say.  Your only defense is poverty.

Now let's suppose you have their sales materials and they look good. 
Everything always looks good because these thugs have spent a great deal of 
money preparing the package.  The package will consist of real Exchange 
booklets and NFA/CFTC approved literature.  Generally  you will be "sold" on 
an up market because the stupid public (you) won't buy puts or go short 
because you don't understand markets going down.   So let's say you are 
convinced that heating oil will go up because of winter and you send them 
$5,000 you can afford to lose.

What is going on so far?  First you will be sold options and not futures. 
This is because the dopes in the brokerage firm don't have to watch a screen 
every second if you do options. In fact it is almost always true that the 
"brokers" in these companies do not have screens on their desks.  This is 
done so nobody smart will work there.  A real broker would never work in a 
place that prevents him from watching a market for a client.  If an asshole 
(you) calls to get a quote on his positions the broker has to walk to a 
screen somewhere in the office and waste valuable selling time getting 
quotes for you.  It is for this reason "brokers" in this kind of environment 
are trained to aggressively sell you something new any time you call for a 
quote so that you won't call again.   Keep in mind that futures are labor 
intensive on the broker end, while options are "no brainer crap that will 
probably lose anyway so why bother watching" types of market plays.  At 
least they are the way these firms operate.  They want "brokers" spending 
100% of their time on the phone "selling" new stuff.

Many of these firms will claim their commissions are pretty low, and this is 
sometimes true.  However, the way you will be handled will negate any kind 
of commissions rate.  The first thing they may do is options "spreads", 
which double the commission and in some cases more than double the 
commission while almost assuring you of loss.  The next thing they might do 
is sell you deep out of the money options, options that are cheaper so they 
can sell you more of them and get more total commissions.  Your only guide 
to fees and commissions in this type of scam is total commissions per dollar 
put up.  It almost a given that  commissons per $5,000 will be 20% to 40% or 
more.  When you are finally "busted out" you may find that you have paid 75% 
or more in total commissons.

Now the fun part.  Let's say your money is in the firm.  If you are the 
typical mooch with maybe a max of $10k to lose they will probably start with 
spreads or deep out of the money options.  BUT if it is determined that you 
are a potential "mother lode", an asshole with tons of money to piss away, 
you will be put into the right trades, options that are close to the money 
so that you have a "best" chance of winning.  A "mother lode" who starts to 
win, even $100,  is dead meat to this crowd.  Once any account is in the 
market the firm will impose the "72 hour rule" or similar rule upon the 
broker who "opened" the account; this means he has 72 hours to get fresh 
money or he has to turn the account over to an "Extractor", a guy with lots 
of experience in the "business" who's specialty is to "extract" money from 
"assholes".  From this point on, the "opening" broker gets only half the 
commission generated.

I interject here that the account papers you signed ask for net worth, 
assets, etc., and act as a road map of your financial empire as well as a 
psychological profile that focuses on your willingness to put up with being 
robbed.    You have to fill them out.  The regulators require it.  You tell 
people whose sole purpose in life is cheating you if you ever filed a 
complaint against any brokerage firm (criminals just like them), if you ever 
invested before in ANYTHING (they love people who "invested" in wireless 
cable, oil wells, etc.), how much you make and how much you have.  The U.S. 
Government has forced you to nail a  blueprint of your house on your front 
door along with the key so the burglars won't have to work too hard when  
they get inside.

Now let's go to the "Extractor".

The Extractor is the pro of pros, a scumbag among scumbags, a criminal con 
man, and he has thirty or forty pitches he can use to get your money.  It 
makes no difference if you are winning or losing, he has the pitches.  Most 
Extractors use legal pitches, but of course there are some who mislead you 
like a CIA map of downtown Belgrade.  He will get more money from you if you 
have it because he is a crook and you think you are an investor dealing with 
a government regulated "honest business".  You are defenseless til you are 
broke or until your legal loss limit has been reached.  I say "Legal Limit" 
because the NFA/CFTC "regulators" limit firms to how much they can steal 
from you (20% of your net worth).  Nice, huh?  At any rate, from this point 
on it makes no difference if you are in spreads, deep out of the money 
options, or actual synthetics; you are going to lose more and more while 
generating constant "cheap" commissions.  A good Extractor will get you to 
raise the amount you have claimed as net worth so he can get you for even 
more money.

But there is another actor in this game, he (always he) is "the trader".  It 
is this guy's job to keep the NFA assholes and CFTC dumbagoes (as well as 
your attorney) off the trail while churning the account to a degree not 
imagined by any of you.  The "trader" actually has market knowledge.  He 
will have plenty of justification for trades.  What is best, he will trade 
all accounts the same.  This means that if he churns account "A" he will 
also churn all other accounts in the same trade at the same time so the 
books will look good.  Also, the accounts commissions are now "split" three 
ways in the more honest firms, in the worst firms the opening broker is now 
frozen out as punishment for failing to "load" or get fresh money within the 
72 hour period.

Now let's stop.  The account isn't traded without client approval.  So, the 
new trade is tossed back to the "broker" or "extractor" to get client 
approval.  Client approval is tape recorded, as is all conversation after 
your paperwork is in the firm.  This tape is a "twenty foot pole" in case 
you decide to beef later.  These tape recordings won't hold up in court 
because not ALL conversations with you have been taped, but you don't know 
this.  The tapes, plus the NFA approved literature you had before you sent 
in money, plus the fact that you responded to NFA and CFTC approved 
advertising leaves you in a very expensive legal position, one that you will 
usually not win because of the mountain of "disclosure" the firm supposedly 
gave you.  It also means your attorney will have to spend too much to 
collect.  Arbitration?  You think either the NFA or CFTC will ever admit 
that they approved ads or materials that are designed for the sole purpose 
of misleading?   (See below for so- called actions by regulators)

And the broker?  He does what he is told or he is fired.  Period.  Many 
times the "new blood" gets wise after a time and objects to the trading 
practices.  It is bye bye to him.  He is an employee and must do what he is 
told.  At least 50% quit within six months because their parents raised them 
to be honest.

One more item: The NFA is a self regulatory body.  This means that the 
crooks who are screwing you are an actual part of the regulatory agency. The 
NFA represents only the large economic interests: the Exchanges, large 
clearing firms (the ones making a killing clearing all these dirty trades), 
and the large brokerage firms.  The elected board of the NFA is composed of 
many of the people from these businesses.  It is no accident that raging 
incompetents and stupid little girls are sent out to "look" at firms 
activities.  It is a conspiracy.  The CFTC is a joke.  There is not one 
clearing firm that doesn't know what is going on.  It would all stop 
tomorrow if they were interested in anything but making as much money as 
possible as quickly as possible or if the regulators were interested in 
anything at all.

A word here about NFA/CFTC "actions" against firms.  Look at them carefully. 
Many of the people who get fined just don't pay.  When pushed, the "felon" 
sells the firm to one of the unindicted co- conspirators and the crime goes 
on.  There are fines levied today on a firm or person who isn't even in the 
business any more.  Some firms are fined repeatedly and just keep on keeping 
on.  The Siegel Trading Company of Chicago (commissions are 45% of the 
option premium plus fees of $155 to buy and another $155 when you sell, 
bringing total fees and commissions to well over 50%) has been fined AGAIN 
for something that is years old.  The amount fined, $100,000, is a figure 
that is roughly the commissions they screw people out of in two days.  You 
have no chance to get your due through the regulators.  The only real cases 
they actually do something about are states Attorneys General prosecutions, 
civil fraud cases that go to court, or an FBI bust.

Now do you know why you lose? You are not dumb.  You are not "unlucky".  The 
U.S. Government is sponsoring and protecting a group of criminal syndicates. 
You think there is a cop out there to protect you.  There is a cop out there 
alright, but he's there to protect the criminals from any action you try to 

Don't call infomercials.  Don't answer radio spots.

The regulators will not help you.  They have approved of all the devices 
used by the criminals.  If you got one look at the silly little girls they 
send to audit the firms you would know they aren't capable of finding 
anything.  Just accounting types and somebody who looks at TV ads they could 
have taped from their main office.  You have no prayer of any help from 
them.  They are completely unqualified.  They don't know a back spread from 
a back hoe.

Crime pays, at least this kind of crime and to the tune of hundreds of 
millions of dollars over the past five or so years.  Newspapers?  America's 
watch dogs?  No way.  The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and many 
other papers are in full possession of these facts and have never reported 
anything.  TV?  Hell CNBC and Bloomberg run the ads for these criminals. 
Think they will bite the hand that feeds them?  NBC News is part of it.  The 
syndicates run infomercials on the "E" channel; even Disney is fucking you. 
Everybody from the Mafia to Donald Fucking Duck is in on it. Hope this helps 
some of you.  Pass it around to your pals.  Solution? Knowledge.  Also one 
day someone will sue the NFA (a class action would be nice), which means the 
entire industry.  Put on a witness stand any of the NFA/CFTC bimbos, 
airheads, and rope-a-dopes who supposedly looked at the firms who cheat.  
Ask therm about markets or trading and the settlement could be a record.  
Ask the so-called brokers about markets, you know the thing they passed a 
test about?  Some of them think a ratio spread is a new margarine containing 
a miracle ingredient..

The fact that this post will be an anonymous one posted through a friend's 
closet system will tell you that I am the one who would be prosecuted for 
writing this, not the crooks.  This is a dirty business from stem to stern. 
Download this fast because these guys have a way of purging stuff they don't 
like from news groups very fast.