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Re: [Fwd: don't worry, it's my last post on the topic!]

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Tom DeMark wrote:

> ms. greene,
> i feel compelled to respond to my second hand receipt of your email
> communications.
> unfortunately, it appears that you were not privy to the misdirected
> e-mail to my son which errantly reached this site. obviously, you were
> skeptical as were a handful of others. despite the suspicions of this
> small group, most members accepted this unintended one time trip as an
> accident and sent numerous kind words.
> i was surprised to receive an apology from one of your most esteemed
> members, mr mark brown, for some of the disparaging remarks and
> unjustified claims of marketing and promotion which he intially made in
> response to my error. as mark is aware,and as were other perceptive
> members, i never intended to e-mail this group, i had absolutely NOTHING
> to sell or promote, and made NO representations regarding market
> forecasts to this group whatsover, blatant or subtle. the intended
> recipient of this correspondence was obviously my son.
> to soothe any ruffled feathers which may have occurred as a result of my
> error, despite the fact that we immediately sent a notice to that effect
> to the group, i agreed to share with those interested members the
> process by which i derived the daily projections for last friday as well
> as other research oriented questions they may have had.the members to
> whom i communicated were most appreciative.
> on a secondary level, mr. brown took it upon himself to create a web
> site for members to contact me should they desire. unfortunately, this
> was done without my prior knowledge and when mark and i discussed this
> generous gesture, i indicated to him that before i consider proceeding i
> must discuss this matter with my business partners, as well as my
> attorneys regarding rules and regulations.
> now you are asking me to comment on software since you believe that i am
> a promoter and distributor of software myself. to set the record
> straight one more time on any misperceived beliefs of my promtion of
> goods or services, i have NEVER received any income from any
> seminar--occasionally i will receive reimbursement of travel expenses
> and hotel--nor income from the expert commentary on the Omega
> products--yes, that is right depite what all the critics of tom demark
> on your site may say and believe to be otherwise. finally, people claim
> that i derived big income from futures magzine for having written
> articles--nonsense, i am paid just nominally enuff for them to obtain
> copyright ownership and then i gave this few hundred-yes hundred $
> away.finally, the royalties and income from my books--once again the few
> critics are wrong--it would be difficult to live off the small % of the
> wholesale dollars of the books that i receive from my publisher or to
> donate this meager amount of money to a charity.
> if any of the critics are referring to a campaign to sell videotapes of
> tom demark, my attys stopped the sale of the tapes since the promotion
> materials were released without our approval. this precluded the
> marketers from earning revenues in excess of one million.
> i hope this sets the record straight once and for all i am not selling
> any software or systems and that i never have.i have enjoyed sharing my
> research ideas with others in the past but in no uncertain terms can any
> member of this site EVER claim that my communications were promtional in
> any sense.
> hopefully, this will set the record straight once and for all and prove
> to those detractors that they misrepresenting the truth regarding me and
> my activities.
> since i am precluded from posting to the forum, i do not object your
> forwarding this communication to the members and to embarrass those
> indivudals who have made slanderous and untruthful statements regarding
> me in the past.
> best regards,
> tom demark
> Robyn Greene wrote:
> >
> > Today was spring cleaning day (getting that one inch layer of  pollen off of
> > everything) - but I thought I'd check in to read Mr. DeMark's comments about
> > TS2000i.  Lo and behold - I don't find any.  If I were selling systems/indicators
> > for a particular piece of software - think I'd have at least some opinions about
> > the software I was writing for.  Unless Mr. DeMark was doing his spring cleaning
> > too - guess I can close the book on him.  Robyn
> >
> > Robyn Greene wrote:
> >
> > > Actually - I was asking Mr. DeMark about TS2000i.  Figured he should have
> > > something to say about it one way or the other considering how he's represented
> > > himself here.