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Re: Switch?

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Interesting... i received a call from good 'ol bmi 2 weeks ago... offering
me (a loyal long standing customer) a 'deal' to switch to inet feed... u
know ladies and gentlemen, i'll put up, say 10-20k, and three or 4 others
put up 2-5k or so each, OK? we all sign disclaimers up the ying yang, find
the best programmers(got 'em already), write the damnable patch for TS4, and
code up a NEW FRIGGIN SERVER which works with cable OR the net(already had
two built for other reasons. not that hard folks)??? I mean how difficult
can this be?? I ve spent bazillions on 16 bit blah blah for ts4, doubtful
that im inclined to invest more bazillions in a spankin new
platform...however the more the merrier.... lets go ok? i'll put the dough
in an
escrow account tonite. Im allllmoooost ready to jump ship to an inet
ensign? Qcom? how many of 'US" would it take to get exactly what we want?
10? 20 serious traders? an 'accomplice' and i quite literally changed the
internet connectivity form the north pacific to chicago and all in between
by complaining like madmen to all involved for three weeks... back to 2-3
secs to the pit... from 20-40 sec delay.

ALTERNATIVELY, maybe Qcom or whoever wants an infusion of 50-100K so 'we
all' can obtain that which we need; i.e., which is 'predominantly' a fast
el/vb/excel  interface... this whole 2000 issue is very very old. It is NOT
going to get faster! know one very early beta who is still with it now...
ONE chart ONE symbol REAL TIME OK? geeeeeeez i don't know about most folks
here, but i have NO TIME to spend beta'ing anything unless it holds
significant promise for FUTURE applications... done fer a month!... toolate
already! globee
shortee  Lee

PS seriously if any 1 interested in pursuing Qcom or whoever is the 'best'
inet provider of data charts, mail me and i'll make some calls stat
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert W Cummings <robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 10:05 PM
Subject: Switch?

>DBC Corp. sent me a pamphlet trying to persuade me to which from BMI to
>Signal via the Internet. They make reference to the Y2K issue but don't say
>BMI is not compliant. Is this a warning shot that DBC is getting ready to
>get rid of BMI or maybe sell it. Maybe now trying to get all the current
>clients before they do? Sounds like DBC might be getting out of cable
>delivered data and go strictly with data delivery on the Internet?