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setting demrk record straight-intnetions and partial employment

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im impressed. it's too bad you don't express yourself in more worthwhile
endeavors. you obviously possess enormous computer programming skills.

yes, mark i was exective vice president at tudor for a number of years.
i was van hisington's(4 billion plus fund) partner. i worked with leon
cooperman and omega advisors and advised goldman for many years. if you
know chicago and the denizens of the floor so well, then you must know
legendary trader Charlie di francesca--charlie D--and if you don't ask
anyone in the bond pit--he traded 20-30,000 bond contracts himself
daily. i was his partner and wrote the epilogue to his biograpohy after
hois untimely death--"charlie d". i was pres of a pension and profit
sharing sub of an insurance company which had 5 bill under mgt. i've
advised and worked as a partner with soros, stenhardt, and many others
throughout the years.

JUST LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. i NEVER drew one penny from omega
expert which critics claim is a source of much income for me. i NEVER
drew one penny of income from ANY seminar i spoke at and often times i
paid my own travel and expenses.i have a full time job. I wrote two
books to share my ideas with those who wee reearched oriented and who
appreciated hard work and who wanted to be introduced to original ideas.
sure there were some royalties from books--very meager in the scheme of
things. in fact there is another book coming out on day trading options
which my son essentially wrote and is as aresult much clearer than my
writing but that too fails to provide income of any amount--infact i
intend to donate my royalties. that said. i assure you my motives and
intentions are honorable and this episode was unintended.

any further questions, let me know since there is more biography but the
above is sufficient.


tom demark