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Re: Fw: week 4 & 5: Larry Williams Money Tree

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Space is limited at this years snake oil show. For a mere $845.00 you get
the works and should qualify to quit your job and be recognized as a world
class trader like Larry Williams. This price doesn't include the Gala
dinner but no worries its just $85 per person. James Wixson is quote as
saying "there was an embarrassment of riches, I wanted to see everyone"!
Yes your hero's will be here folks with us at Wally World. Come see the
awards as Bill Crews just makes them up as he goes like best trader on the
earth, best trader on the water etc. If your lucky you might meet the lady
on TV that made 40% on her money in stocks "going long only" its no joke
she is here smiling as big as ever. How ever I suggest that you skip this
event take you wife to dinner and a movie. Then be prepared to study and
work your butt off for about two maybe three years then you will have
something of a real education in trading.
What bunch of B.S., Geez Louise the stuff they come up with to get in the
newbies pocket book. Makes me want to barf!!!!!!!!


 Mark Brown wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mike_tojo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mike_tojo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Newsgroups: misc.invest.futures
>Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 1:56 PM
>Subject: week 4 & 5: Larry Williams Money Tree
>>for the last 5 weeks, I have posted my progress using the Money Tree. At
>>first, the Money Tree seemed to be a complete book of answers for making
>>money using the futuress market.  But as I have continued to read books and
>>information form the intrenet, and re-read Batting .800 many times over, I
>>have  come to the conclusion that the system offered by Larry Williams will
>>not make  anyone rich, except Larry Williams.
>>it is true that his material contains many important pieces of advice on
>>trading,  but this same information is available in books such as Getting
>>Started in  Futures, Winner Take All, and Reminiscence of a Stock Operator.
>>the money tree describes pretty much every type of indicator and system
>> could be used, and he advises to use the ones that work best in a given
>> situation.  This type of trading will just break your account.
>>Larry Williams himself has had his share of trading problems if you look
>>the  history of his funds.
>>To summarize, trading futures will take much more than Larry William's
>>Tree.  I am prepared to put in about one year of paper trading and learning
>>from  the best sources before jumping into futures.  Winner Take All is an
>>excellent  starting point, and puts trading into prespective.
>>I give credit to Larry Williams for introducing me to commodiities, but I
>>believe my  success in futures will come from my own effort rather than
>>paying Larry Williams  to think for me.
>>Mike Tojo.
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