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Fw: week 4 & 5: Larry Williams Money Tree

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-----Original Message-----
From: mike_tojo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mike_tojo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Newsgroups: misc.invest.futures
Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 1:56 PM
Subject: week 4 & 5: Larry Williams Money Tree

>for the last 5 weeks, I have posted my progress using the Money Tree. At
>first, the Money Tree seemed to be a complete book of answers for making
>money using the futuress market.  But as I have continued to read books and
>information form the intrenet, and re-read Batting .800 many times over, I
>have  come to the conclusion that the system offered by Larry Williams will
>not make  anyone rich, except Larry Williams.
>it is true that his material contains many important pieces of advice on
>trading,  but this same information is available in books such as Getting
>Started in  Futures, Winner Take All, and Reminiscence of a Stock Operator.
>the money tree describes pretty much every type of indicator and system
> could be used, and he advises to use the ones that work best in a given
> situation.  This type of trading will just break your account.
>Larry Williams himself has had his share of trading problems if you look
>the  history of his funds.
>To summarize, trading futures will take much more than Larry William's
>Tree.  I am prepared to put in about one year of paper trading and learning
>from  the best sources before jumping into futures.  Winner Take All is an
>excellent  starting point, and puts trading into prespective.
>I give credit to Larry Williams for introducing me to commodiities, but I
>believe my  success in futures will come from my own effort rather than
>paying Larry Williams  to think for me.
>Mike Tojo.
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