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RE: omega list?

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I was going to make this a personnel response , but changed my mind which 
is ok.

I sense you to be a young person reading into some of the attributes that 
go with that age period.  I am guessing you to be new to the investment 
arena or relatively new and your eager and  ready to take the bull by the 
horns covering as much ground as possible trying to get to that comfort 
zone which never really comes, you will get close at times, just to find a 
new mountain range over that hill but your looking to get to a point where 
 you feel you have some control over this environment which you should have 
and better get if you expect to stay long
in this arena.

Your  current frustration is with this list after being steered in this 
direction as part of a salvation or resource answer to your investment 
goals and is quite apparent that's what your looking for setting high 
expectations as a potential return.  Your limited time exposure to this 
list has you upset and dishearten by receiving the impression that here is 
just another one of those screwed up uncontrolled lists which at times 
appears to be true. If you were to spend the necessary time to find the 
real answer ( time will be based on your wisdom level) , you would find 
that after sifting through many buckets of mud up pops that gold nugget and 
there are times you get many nuggets but this only comes to the ones that 
1.  Are not looking for and expecting a bed of gold to be continuously laid 
in front of them  2.  Are not bothered or afraid   to sift through the dirt 
, grime or mud looking for that next nugget  3. Have acquired the patience 
in that it may be some time before it happens: In fact these three 
Attributes that I just mentioned (acceptance, tolerance, and patience) are 
also necessary in order to be a successful trader investor of any Trading 
Time Frame and are qualities you develop with time and experience.  This 
list like most has its good, bad, ups, downs, high, lows, and any other   
adverbial paradoxical label you find necessary to live with; Thank God I 
finally trashed that stuff fifteen years ago after carrying it for over 
forty. I will tell you this, the lists is made up of all kinds of people 
from all walks of life, professions, cultures, age, and stage levels of 
life and who of which are nothing other than people ( No Gods yet, unless 
one slipped by unnoticed) each bringing with them there own life's baggage, 
again which we all manage to carry around as a dear procession putting some 
special value on it when in reality, its worthless, just weight..

A further stay on this list on your part could be rewarding in many ways , 
if you have that depth and the perseverance and I'm sure in time that you 
find what your looking for but only after you pay your dues.  Two weeks is 
not enough time to filter through what you find offensive; As time goes by 
you will develop the ability to pick and choose effectively and 
beneficially just as you will have to learn to do in the market.  In time 
you will also see how much beauty is really  here only after sufficient 
time and openness.  Good luck on your journey.

James Lancaster

I have only been on this list for one week. Altho I do see the benefits of
having access to a group of well-versed omega people (whether you like the
new version or not), I do not believe that the benefits outweigh the
necessity of having to read thru the numerous non-omega posts. A few are
expected on any given list, but when the subject-of-the-day becomes <this 
how I view world conflicts>, it is time to realize why this list even
exists. If this type of tangent is to be expected time after time, so be 
and.....have a good time gentlemen.

I thought that I was joining a group of people that could teach me a few
things as well as send me off on new paths in my trading systems that I
wouldn't have thought of myself.  I still believe that it's possible with
this group, but I simply do not have the time to weed thru all the
unnecessary wordage that is needed to find those words that actually have
something to do with an omega product, not to mention reading post after
post of bashing this and that and him and her. It's simply ridiculous.

I realize I am just one person, and new here. I also believe that I am
talking for others that think the same, but don't say anything. I really
don't care if anyone cares how I feel about this or not......I just wanted
to let the group know that if they are looking to add new people to the
group (we all could learn something, after all), IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN if
you don't stick to the rules. This is the "Omega list", isn't it??????

I'm off my soapbox now, and off this list. Good luck to one and all.