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   Robert and others. Thanks for all the codes!  Keep them coming!
  Was wondering if anyone has Chande's VIDYA code?  Also does anyone have a
Fourier code for TradeStation?  I am interested in playing with Fouier for
   Also can anyone help with the following?

  I am wondering if anyone knows anything about Kase's stuff for forming
synthetic longer-term bars using daily bars?
   I read in Futures Mag. a few years ago, about forming synthetic
longer-term bars using daily bars and I was wondering if it can be done in
  Kase said you basicly have synthetic bars, with a synthetic open, high,
low, and close that can be inserted into any indicator formula!  Example-A
weeks indicator consist of not Monday-Friday but a rolling set of the last
5 days, which could be any 5 days, Forming synthetic longer-term bars using
only daily data!

   She showed the following stuff?

   1. N = Number of bars to merge, for example, N = 5 to turn a daily into
   2. HighN = Max(H[0] to H[n-1])
   3. LowN = Min(L[0] to L[n-1])
   4. OpenN = Open[n-1]
   5. CloseN = Close[0]
   6. Previous CloseN = Close[n]
   7. Number of periods for lenght of indicators = Length*n
 Substitute values above in any normal formula for indicators; smooth as

   She said she uses it in her Permission screen etc?
 I would like to know what part of her code is the part forming synthetic
 Can it be used in other indicators, moving averages etc. to form longer
term indicators using daily charts?  
 If someone knows what her synthetic code is or has something similar, and
knows how to use it in other indicators etc.  I would like to know how to
do it and use it in other stuff!
 Any information about how to code and use Kase's synthetic code stuff like
the above in EL and an example of how to use it in some other indicators,
oscillators, averages etc. would be very helpfull !

  So the main thing I am looking for is the part of the code that makes
synthetic bars and how to use it in some other stuff to form other longer
term indicators etc. using just daily data?

    Thank You,

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