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Re: Bombing ... Andrew

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My last post on this.

Just can't stand it when someone starts a war for geo-political 
reasons but brings up morality causes to cover things up.

Stupid politicians and generals sits nice and cosy and sents people 
out to danger and then says for the sake of goodness and the
really reason is antithetical.

The reality of this sank in when I was a draftee. 

And traders as a lot, ought to be able to see thru this kind of B.S.
And Americans as a lot ought to have a voter turnout better than
chance! The country start out from a tax revolt and look at the
bloody tax rates now. Talk about sheep who think they are lone 

Like I said, earlier, the Serbs ought to have done forced repartriation 
as opposed to killing off the people. March them to border and send 
them back. In Asia, we did it to the Vietnamese boat people and now
to the Indonesian boat people. Give them water and food and
turn them back. Not machine gun them down. 

And in the spirit of a fair fight, Russian ought to step in to support
their allies. Even the Mujahiddeen got US stingers.

>I am sorry if my post has struck a nerve with you. That was not my 
>If anything in my post SUGGESTED that I was putting forward an OPINION 
>on the violence that's before us, then I want to be quick to correct 
>I appreciate the quick roundup in world politics but it's not really 
>necessary. Perhaps a job as an analyst or journalist of some sort would 
>let you put your talents to use. For obviously, son, you have talent. 
>And let no one tell you otherwise.
>As for flag-waving and the associated name-calling, I really wouldn't 
>know where to start, or how to join in - I was born in one country, am a 
>citizen of another, lived in another for a long time, and since then 
>have lived in a few more.
>So, in all, watch your manner, watch that zebra that you molest out back, 
>and F you with one of those anti aircraft missiles.
>Humble regards,