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Re: good news >THE OTHER SIDE!

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..........ofcourse not from me :-))  - but I received the following mails
privately and I
got permission to post them as I allways want to see both sides - hope it
someone here without a cray:


I have been trading with it full time for about two months,

***then this means you are one of the beta testers and most beta testers are
solution providers.  I will take what you say with that in mind now as I
read below.  I know you would be to embarrassed to back your opinions with
your name!  But this sure sounds like a Bill Cruz dictated letter.  It puts
all the burden of responsibility on our piss poor hardware and our
negligence of maintaining the same.  When the facts are I have not had to
become such a maintenance man with 4.0?  So now you are telling me if I
should spend more time with my hardware than with trading?  yea OK that
makes me happy!

My systems run much more accurately in 2000i in fact I was quite shocked
when I built my principal system in 2000i it actually worked quite
differently, seems the include system and the 64k limit made it impossible
for the various signals to communicate, in ver4. My back testing results are
much more realistic, and the system runs in real time like the back testing
results say it should.

***well I'm glad it worked that way for you as for me it was the opposite,
my systems to this day still dont perform as well and that worries me
because Cruz jacked with something that I have no clue how to fix : Except
as I have always done with TS trail and error!

RadarScreens are very useful and can display indicator values at various
compression and dynamically sort and Rank based on any indicator applied to
the RadarScreen.

***no comment other than it should have been part of the new ts at no extra
cost so I could evaluate it.   But if it is anything like OS then forget it.

I have noticed that most of the problems people are having are actually
system related, and a lack of patience. The GlobalServer needs to run for a
while before you start doing any thing else, once you hook it up to a data

***ah thank you Cruz for mentioning this, the old 4.0 server and the
Universal server are all screwed up then they should have made it where a
trader has to wait a day or two to get going I see!  How perfectly wonderful
we can have tea and brush the Zebra while we are waiting!

The manual recommends overnight esp if you add a collection template. The
server is very busy building a symbol base from the feed this occupies your
HD and CPU for a while when starting the server. The server is also saving
each bid and ask tick as well as last sale that is about 3x the data ver 4

***wow lets give the thing a break its the new kid on the block so lets dont
let the increased price and hype fool us into expecting that this thing be a
professional trading platform!  good god its pretty and what the hell else
could you ask for? maybe wav files of tom demark?

I can honestly say that I have never crashed the server or lost a tick of

***ok cruz I know its you now, you have just given it away.  You are saying
that you haven't used your own product!  Because not to crash is not to use.
what bullcrap you speak, about the ticks.  how do you know you aren't
loosing ticks?  you dont miss what you dont know you had? your so funny and
thanks for writing hans.  am i next? cant wait! wanna call me?

I have found that there are several things that you can do to windows to
improve performance and stability, of 2000i

big huge ass snip of a bunch of shit i didn't have to do with 4.0>>>>>

I am running 2000i quite well and find that many problems are due to system
configuration, I make the following changes to all my machines, I
am running three all day 2000i is residing on an IBM with a 266 Pentinum Pro
and 192 Mb or RAM. As traders we ask more of a PC than most users, and they
are not configured for handling Raw data, streams. All my data handling
programs run much better after making the following changes.

***oh so you get three times the ram Cruz says it will run on, give it a day
or two after you start the server up or add a new symbol, jack with your
hardware and os settings, screw with abc and odbc and xyz and everything may
be ok?  great!

I thought I would pass them on for what their worth.

***well they aint worth shit!  you could spend you time more constructively
picking up cans on the side of the road so you can by one of my liquid
cooled slightly used cray's, besides my russian pal's could use the money
earned from recompiling the thing.

I use Norton Utilities to maintain my systems but there are also a few

***norton is as big a piece of crap as ts 2000i!

btw Cruz next time use your real name (JUST RECALL THE PRODUCT YOU IDIOT AND
GIVE US THE 4.0 PATCH!) see this is what I mean we have a thousand post
about how horrible this thing is even from some people who dont like me
allot agree its crap!  then we have this one guy here who Cruz will no doubt
put in a magazine telling what a great product it is if you learn to become
a MIS on your own hardware!  This will set us back getting anything outta
Cruz!  we must all demand a recall of this product or this is what we will
have to live with!  mb