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RE: Best alternative to TradeStation 2000i?

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Look on the bright side, the sweat to use the kind of power comes
once. Once coded, you can always cut and paste.
Or maybe it can be designated as a callable function in Ensign.

At 08:12 PM 4/28/99 , Ron Dawes wrote:
>I guess MB was right about you pierre.  You ARE a TS bigot.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: pierre.orphelin [mailto:pierre.orphelin@xxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 6:52 PM
>> To: L_Omega
>> Subject: Re: Best alternative to TradeStation 2000i?
>> HAhaHAha!!!!!
>> Hihihihihi...
>> Gnâaaaaaaar...ffff!
>> This time you got the proof that Easy Language is REALLY easy language.
>> =====================================================================
>> inputs : Price(NumericSeries),Length(NumericSimple);
>> vars   : Factor(0),xavg0(0);
>> if Length + 1 <> 0
>> then begin
>>  if CurrentBar <= 1
>>  then begin
>>   XAvg0 = Price;
>>  end
>>  else
>>   Factor = 2 / (Length + 1);
>>   XAvg0= Factor * Price + (1 - Factor) * XAvg0;
>> end;
>> xavg=xavg0;
>> =====================================================================
>> Compare with Xaverage code from the Power Editor even by 
>> modifying one line
>> for initialisation!
>> inputs : Price(NumericSeries),Length(NumericSimple);
>> vars   : Factor(0),xavg0(0);
>> if Length + 1 <> 0
>> then begin
>>  if CurrentBar <= 1
>>  then begin
>>   XAvg0 = average(Price, length); <==== (I can replace by a loop if you
>> want, 3 lines)
>>  end
>>  else
>>   Factor = 2 / (Length + 1);
>>   XAvg0= Factor * Price + (1 - Factor) * XAvg0;
>> end;
>> xavg=xavg0;
>> =====================================================================
>> Maybe only  a C version of the Xaverage code could be more 
>> complicated than
>> the ESPL version of the Xaverage code below.
>> Thanks a lot Earl, I think that none will try to download Ensign software
>> now!
>> Unfortunately, this will not stop yet your multiple message post 
>> to promote
>> this dinosaur tool on Omega List.
>> HAhaHAha!!!!! Hihihihihi...
>> -Pierre Orphelin
>> Représentant exclusif de Omega Research en France.
>> web: http://www.sirtrade.com
>> =====================================================================
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Earl Adamy <eadamy@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> >
>> >Function ufAverageExponential(lLastBar : LongInt; lLength : LongInt;
>> >lValueConstant : LongInt; rPrevXA : Real) : Real;
>> >/****************************************************************
>> **********
>> *
>> >***
>> >   Author   : Earl Adamy
>> >   Copyright: Copyright 1999 by Earl Adamy, all rights reserved  
>> <<===== OH
>> YES, keep it !!!!
>> >   History  : 01/26/99 Create function
>> >   Purpose  : Calc Exponential MA of specifed bar value in current chart
>> >              lLastBar is last bar on which Average is to be calculated
>> >                0 specifies that BarEnd is to be used
>> >              lLength is number of bars over which Avg is to be 
>> calculated
>> >              lValueConstant is one of following:
>> >                eOpen, eHigh, eLow, eClose, eLast (Close) values on bar
>> >                eRange (High - Low)
>> >                eTrueRange (> High or yesterday Low - < Low or yesterday
>> >High
>> >                eMidpoint (H+L/2), eMid3 (H+L+C/3, eMid4 (O+H+L+C/4)
>> >                eNet (Close - Yesterday Close)
>> >              rPrevXA is for recursing the previous XA providing more
>> >efficient calcs
>> >  Formula   : XFactorToday = 2 / (lLength + 1)
>> >              XMA = (Price(today) * XFactorToday) + XMA(yesterday) * (1 -
>> >XFactorToday)
>> >
>> >*****************************************************************
>> **********
>> *
>> >**/
>> >var
>> >  lBarX:          LongInt;
>> >  lBarBeg:        LongInt;
>> >  lBarEnd:        LongInt;
>> >  rAverage:       Real;
>> >  rXFactorToday:  Real;
>> >
>> >Begin
>> >  If lLastBar = 0 Then
>> >    {default to EndBar}
>> >    lBarEnd := BarEnd
>> >  Else
>> >    {use requested bar}
>> >    lBarEnd := lLastBar;
>> >  rXFactorToday := (2.0 / (lLength + 1));
>> >
>> >  rAverage := rPrevXA;
>> >  If rAverage = 0.0 then Begin
>> >    /* Initializes calc with simple average for bar (lLastBar - Length),
>> >        then runs exponential calculation for length bars to bring
>> >        exponential average up to speed
>> >    */
>> >    lBarBeg   := (lBarEnd - lLength);
>> >    if lBarBeg < 1 then lBarBeg := 1;
>> >    rAverage := Average(lValueConstant, lBarBeg, lLength);
>> >    lBarBeg   := lBarBeg + 1;
>> >  End
>> >  Else
>> >    {Calculate average for one period}
>> >    lBarBeg := lBarEnd;
>> >  For lBarX := lBarBeg to lBarEnd do
>> >    rAverage := (rXFactorToday * Bar(lValueConstant, lBarX)) + ((1.0 -
>> >rXFactorToday) * rAverage);
>> >  Result := rAverage;
>> >End;  {ufAverageExponential}
>> >