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Re: Apologies

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> have received many private emails from long term list members who have
said Mr.. Brown although at times opinionated and difficult is a
professional and thoughtful person who deserves respect . Sid.

Sid, you said you worked for SB, I worked for a man who was such a large
client of SB trading his own account that they opened up his own personal SB
office to service just his personal trading.  A man who started with 50,000
fifteen years ago and ended up with 100's of millions of dollars personal
money and managing over 1 billion dollars in SB funds.  This man is a market
wizards wizard, managing money for many of these who were written about in
JC's book by the same name.  When our operation left SB last year to open a
broker dealer with ABN Ambro, my boss was the single largest commissioned
broker for SB worldwide and he had only one client - himself.  I was the
computer guru for this guy and when he had me look into something, I really
dug.  If it was good, great we tried it with real money.  If it wasn't but
we thought it had potential, we still tried it with real money.  There were
many times my boss would throw me a magazine and say that he had circled
some things for me to buy and test.  I would open the magazine and almost
everything in there that had an ad was circled!  The computer room to this
day has a pile the size of a truck in one corner.  So when I speak and
opinion of something it comes from years of sorting through crap to find
some diamond.  I have become extremely efficient through the years at
determining fact from fiction and I still get burned like others do
occasionally.  Omega has been on an exponential trend down from since its
IPO as far as being a serious trader platform.  Cruz has chosen to shortcut
by not doing his own server.  He should have either bought the universal
server from Kent or knocked it off,  with the money Cruz has now he should
have considered doing his own data plant.  But the real problem as it is
today with Omega is that they really have no one who uses the product for
its intended purposes else such obvious bugs in it would not exist.  My
crying like a baby as you put it did not offend me at all, I knew better.  I
am opinionated at times because it makes me furious to see the innocent
public being led by the publications and the web into a well orchestrated
trap.  One of which is the new TS 2000i,  I and others just as experienced
right here on this list have tried for years to assist Cruz in taking the
correct path with his excellent software.  He has continually refused to
heed the reasonable basic request of us for some professional needed items
and better attention to details!  Seeing that Cruz was selling out to the
masses and downgrading the quality of his products, I even suggested to him
one day that he consider splitting the program into a public and a
professional platform.  He has decided to be the dictator of what we as
clients get.  I dont like that,  I could and would compromise but Bill will
not and has not until we as a unified force have banned together to get
things done!  It takes all of us working as a unit to even get Cruz to do
things like bring back the right mouse click button.  I had notified him
personally on the phone and others as well within two days after I received
the beta that was a huge mistake.  A year latter as more users discovered it
was missing in the final release he put it back.  Why did he not listen to
his clients?  Why do things have to be so hard with Cruz?  I'll tell you
why, because we have newbie non power users who keep popping up.  Who dont
know jack shit telling what a great program the latest release is when they
really haven't spent enough time using it under the stress load and its
intended purpose that it was advertised to do.  This makes it hard when a
phone call from Bill Cruz is all it takes to correct the bugs in a piece of
software, in mind of a casual user.  This is how Cruz justifies his
arrogance by increasing prices and black mailing his clients to upgrade or
else!   Its sad that a few on the list measure the success of a product by
if they got it got it loaded on a computer or not.


ps you cant hurt my feelings,  only people in the pit have been able to
consistently do that through the years.  and as far as my background, i only
stated it so that you would know that i just like you have one. except mine
was not filling orders it was giving them.