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Re: Update TS2000i Bill Cruz

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I have found the resource meter that comes included with windows to be
very helpful in determining when I have "peaked" my computer with
symbols, charts, indicators, etc. (find it in accessories/system tools).

Like you, my 2000i ran perfectly today with 2 workspaces open (each with
10-12 quotes, a few charts, and a few indicators.). At worst today I was
down to about 56% resources free. I also run an order entry program
online that consumes some cpu. Interestingly, I manually added the
Autobytel IPO on the fly this afternoon when it opened, and because of
the high activity in the stock (I assume) it knocked my resources from
58% to 56% free. Wow, that seemed a bit high for the addition of one
stock. Anyway, here is the big problem: When I closed everything down I
got two illegal operations with the qrquote program (or whatever it is).
I think it is the subroutine that actually runs the quote window because
I had two of them and each one illegal opt'ed. I think because of this
the workspace becomes corrupted and future openings may/may not work.
I have TS 4 also and I've used it for quite a while, and I can
unbiasedly tell everyone that the interface for 2000i is much improved
and offers greater versatility (especially the web). Regardless of what
you read in this forum - this is a fact. It is undoubtedly more
versatile and impressive, enjoyable to use, and the data is easier (and
quicker) to get to and manipulate. The "tab" and "spreadsheet" format
(like Excel) is basically responsible for this. These are great things;
but throw into the evaluation  illegal operations, re-boots, depleted
computer resources, long data download & server initialization times, no
DDE functionality (man, this one kills me personally and makes me wonder
why they don't want me getting into Excel outside of a 2000i workspace -
and for the gentleman that was asking about Excel and 2000i - you are
basically going to have to be a VB(A) COM programmer to "talk" to the
server - there is no LIVEQUOTE command any longer that you can simply
enter into an Excel cell to get data in - BTW, this instantly shot down
some of the things I was working on), also - discontinued quote monitor
headings that were in TS 4. Obviously, there are a lot of other great
and horrible things about 2000i that I have neglected. I sure hope we
get an update to this first commercial release real soon though.
Best Regards,

Alan Courchene wrote:

> Well, I cut my symbols down from 45,000+ to 18,629 last
> night and TS2k ran all day(very SLooooWly).If I did
> anything like add a chart etc.. the charting would lag
> the data feed by 5 minutes. I only had- I think 3
> illegal ops all day mostly to do with RadarScreen.But
> it ran the day without a crash that required a re-boot.
> Just had to close RadarScreen down.
> I checked the different tick counts on the June S&P
> futures (day session only) today at the close. Results
> between My 2000i and a friends 4.21 on a identical
> feeds.
> TS 4.21 = 3,457 ticks
> TS2K = only 2,818 ticks
> This is still a very poor performance by 2000i.
> I will lop off 5,000 more symbols and try again Mon.
> 2000I S&P Tic counts anyone ?
> Regards,
> Alan Courchene