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Re: Has Omega Changed its spots?

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At 10:14 PM 3/24/99 -0500, Robyn Greene wrote:
>Charles Kaucher wrote:
>>  I am afraid that the Belgium Dentist ( EOD day traders and
>> new EOD traders) are the target market for Omega.
>I think it would be more appropriate to direct your comments to *new* traders
>EOD or otherwise.  I've been an EOD trader for a long time - working with a
>of securities like the Fidelity Select Funds - but I am not particularly
>unsophisticated.  I do not want a program that can't read my Metastock
>(the new Omega database doesn't even have mutual funds - and - if it did - I
>doubt it would be adjusted for annual distributions - which would render the
>database worthless).  Nor does the typical EOD user (IMO) want to upgrade
to a
>fancy system with 256 megs of RAM to run what should be able to run on 32
>of RAM (SuperCharts can run very nicely on 16 megs).  In a nutshell - I think
>there are a lot of people out there who believe they can quit their day jobs
>and make more as traders (EOD or otherwise).  And fancy computer software is
>part of what they think they have to buy to try to live out that fanstasy.
>Those of us who've been around for a while know better than that.  Robyn

My apologies if I have offended you but I had indicated that the Omega
model was new customers.   The Belgium dentist term is an old term and perhaps
before your youthful age. :>)  It refers to inexperienced people who had a 
nice amount of money and wanted to invest it offshore in a country like
Luxembourg to avoid domestic taxes.  The banks in Luxembourg loved these
customers because they were an easy mark and rarely required any service.
came and deposited there money and left : like Omega customers.  The
inexperienced trader doesnot know what his requirements are and doesnot know
the right questions to ask.  IT is sad to see the sheep go so willingly to the
slaughter. Unfortunately,   I think this Ts2000 costs more and you get less
functionality as you pointed out.  You even had a server in TS 4.21.   And
more RAM doesnot make you a better trader.

Based upon your comments about the support you received for Supercharts 2.1 it
seems that it supports my contention about there business model.  I, too,
purchased Supercharts 2.1 for $99 and thought of it as a demo for
It was a new product launch as well.  I purchased from a sales person who made
most of his sales through referrals to informed buyers.  He was replaced when
Omega went to a phone bank setup where the number of calls you made mattered. 

BTW, I wonder if Supercharts 2.1 is y2k compatible?  It may be.

Charles Kaucher

He who laughs last, probably made a backup.