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Re-post TS2000i Bill Cruz-Resposive(long)

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I sent this post to the o-list this morning and it did
not make the list.Here is a re-post. Sorry if you get a

I received an unexpected call this morning from omega
and was pleasantly surprised that it was actually
Co-CEO Mr. Bill Cruz calling personally.

He had apparently been forwarded a post made by me on
the O list a few days ago that detailed some of the
problems and concerns I encountered during setup.

I was very impressed by the fact that BC was following
up personally to address my Problems/concerns. It
me think that despite what is said on this list from
time to time, Omega and Bill Cruz  really do care
it's existing RT customers!!!

Just some of the issues we discuses:

1)Historybank.com. Fixes are in the works to allow for
a better user interface that will tell you the size of
the download you are attempting before the download.
Also Event 10 in the Event log is an error that is a
result of HB looking for data on dates that fall on
weekend days. This has been fixed as of last night
accoring to BC and should reduce DL times.

2)I have been having problems importing systems from
4.0 to 2000i. the problem is that many of my 4.0
systems have symbols/charachters like ^,&,", in the
2000i would not verify any system built with signals
containing these characters.He did some checking with
the programming dept. and without going into too much
detail as to why this problem exists(he did explain
why) said that this is a known issue that has been
fixed and the fix will be included in the next service
pak. The fix is that 2000i will remove the charachters
automaticly when a new system is imported and a signal
is created from that system.So if you have this
you may want to wait (about 3 Wks.) before importing
lots of your systems.

3)My first installation of 2000i was a test. 450MHZ
256mb Ram 13GIG drive Win 98. Basically i allowed
Import of ALL symbols from HistoryBank.com CD ROM
something like 25,000 symbols. In allowing this, HB
import also activated collection templates for RT
collection and addition of all available symbols. This
increased the # of symbols to about 55,000 in the
global server once it was launched in online mode and
run for a few hours.The server took about 10-15
to launch with all those symbols. I experienced some
lockups and some slowness in TS with this many
I assumed it was because of too many symbols, so I
essentially uninstalled 2000i and reinstalled 2000i
dis-allowed any HB.com in the setup. I then imported
the symbols and data from my 4.0 about 550 symbols 
( I had to perform about 600 mouse clicks because of
some date out of order errors but import worked fine
other than that).I have still had some of the Problems
to a lesser degree that I had with 55,000 symbols so
not convinced that too many symbols was my problem.
 I have since installed 2000i on my laptop (233 Mhz
96 MB RAM 3.2 GIG HD  Win 95)to set it up
and give my trading machine a break.

Well as it turns out Mr. Cruz was I bit suprised that
was having problems with 55,000 symbols on that
( the 450 MHZ machine) .He seemed to think that it
should handle 55,000 with out problems and be usable
real time if thats what I want to do.He said that he
actually has done this himself without problems.
He also felt that 55,000 symbols should work on the
233MHZ machine as well, while it maybe slower than the
450 MHZ but still usable in RT.

So he had a Tech call me and we are know working on
accomplishing this on the 233MHZ.

Tech said  2000i will be slow when opening or closing
the globel server with 55,000 but otherwise it should
run ok.

Basically so far we have performed the following

A) A fresh RE-boot of win 95.

B)Delete all .temp files im Windows/temp and any .temp
files in omega directories.

C)CTRL ALT DEL and then end task on any apps running
the background.( all except Explorer and systray)

D)Start Online Globel Server then Pro suite and open
and Workspaces I care to use today. which Include some
intraday charts and Radar Screen windows.

E) Enable One collection template, one at a time until
all symbols for that template are collected ( I chose
ALL Stocks first)then activate an other template and

Kevin at omega support ( I think he is a step up from
normal Tech. He now works in the Customer Support
Knowledge Base Dept.) and is keeping in touch with my
progress. He was very helpful and very Knowledgable
about the program.

I will update the list and also MR.Cruz and let you
know how its going as my server fills up over the next
day or so.


Alan Courchene

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