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Re: The Omega Hassle

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Dear Pierre: I have TS 4.0 build 21 EOD , purchased in Sept 1998. I purchased
the Ts 2000i upgrade EOD for $199.95. From the website upgrade info build 21
hasn't been in
existence for as long as  2 years?( As far as I can ascertain) If David
upgraded to build 21 thorugh a download I don't know but if he purchased the
product at build date....?

Orphelin@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Dans un courrier daté du 21/03/99 04:08:25 Heure d4iver Pari25 Madrid,
> trader7@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
> >
> >  I just got an email ad from Omega.  It hit me at the wrong time.  I just
> >  got off the phone to get my price for an upgrade.  Needless to say I
> >  didn't buy.  I asked when the 4.0 Y2K patch would be available and the
> >  sales person said the end of June.  We'll see. If it doesn't come, I'm
> >  finished with Omega.  Tired of the hassles.
> >
> >  I sent this message to the Omega lady who sent the ad....
> >
> >  Melody,
> >
> >  I just called Omega to upgrade to TS 5.0.  I run TS 4.0 Build 21.  He
> >  said something about End of Day.  The guy I talked to said the UPGRADE
> >  was $1,444 !!!!!.  I do my analysis at the end of the day.  I don't need
> >  all these new features.  I just want 4.0 to work next year.  If the Y2K
> >  patch doesn't come through, it's goodbye Omega and hello again
> >  Metastock.  I'm tired of the Omega prices and poor treatment of old
> >  customers.  Too bad, too.  I'm a long time customer. Began with System
> >  Writer.  I'm just tired of the hassle and cost of dealing with Omega.
> >
> >  David Olson
> EOD version were not existing at the begining, and they have  been
> discontinued 2 years ago.
> This explains the $1444 upgrade price ( you are enforced to forget the EOD
> concept when upgrading).
> However, Omega  currently proposes a SWP upgrade to TS2000 that is a $ 500
> saving.
> Considering that you own SWP  AND TS4 EOD, that EOD does not exist anymore,
> and that SWP is an old program, you may try to ask them for an extra  $500
> rebate for the upgrade to TS2000, if you send  them back the SWP block.
> Just an idea that could make sense for EOD users that own SWP too, and after
> all,  a question never killed anyone.
> PO