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Re: Futures mag sells opinions?

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> David Cicia wrote:
> >What goes on in the business is truly disgusting. In most other industries most of these things wouldn't be tolerated...

Not exactly accurate.  Not only is it tolerated, but it's the way the
entire advertising business works.  That's why there are some
publications that accept no advertising, e.g. Consumers Reports.

No publisher is going to risk losing thousands and thousands of ad
dollars by offending a good customer.  While some may refuse to print
outright lies, the truth is often bent and disparaging comments and
facts are omitted.

Do you think you would see ANY negative reporting about cigarettes if
the industry stll spent millions on advertising???  NO WAY!

Many publications give favorable PR pieces to substantial advertisers. 
There are scores of publications who made the "mistake' of writing an
honest review - complete with negatives - only to have that advertiser
cancel all advertising and move to a competing publication.

The only reviews you can trust - MAYBE - are those in publications that
do not accept advertising... and even many of those have an agenda that
slants their supposedly objective reporting.

This is not intended to defend what any specific publication has done,
onlt to say that the "trading" industry is a business like any other...
with vendors, cutomers, and advertising.  Like with any purchase, use
your common sense, and LET THE BUYER BEWARE.
