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Re: TS 2000i IS CRAP? U Decide! >waz Re: BMI and Signal data problems

  • To: Omega-list <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: TS 2000i IS CRAP? U Decide! >waz Re: BMI and Signal data problems
  • From: Howard Jackson <hrjf4@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 14:02:33 -0500 (EST)

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I don't know the real answers to these issues since all I saw on
SATURDAY was an end of day demostration of the product (read again
presentation was on SATURDAY so US markets are NOT OPEN).

In any case, what I wanted to point out is that you are playing with
missinformation as much as Omega is, as you are speculating, making
false statement about the person I asked these questions to, and many
other things.

Your oppinion counts as much as my friends (and to me it count's much
less, since we know you can be 'somewhat biased' toward omega...)

---Mark Brown <markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Howard, ok so your friend bill cruz in new york impressed you with
all the
> eye candy, but failed to run it on real time data!  we are talking
real time
> problems, not mutual fund eom (thats end of month) day kinda stuff. 
> is the private mail I got less the signature from one of the beta
> its completely opposite of your pals comments.  Maybe you would like
to read
> it this time...I have received mail from many, many beta testers
> many of the same points..but hey I still give the thing a MUST BUY
> I expect most all who switch will be be very unhappy and many will
want to
> go back to 4.0. Here are some of the problems you may encounter. The
> now uses your system clock for time stamping incoming data. Change
> system clock accidentally and you will mutilate your tick data. 
> charts to display for the correct trading hours is not easy. You
must not
> only have your clock, but also your timezone set correctly, otherwise
> charts do not display correctly. 4.0 would at least display the entire
> trading period even if the times were off, but the new program
> Also times in the quote page are in GMT and I do not see any place
to fix
> this. You ***CANNOT SEE*** your alerts on a quote page anymore! They
> now hidden in a stupid 'tool tip' type pop-up which you only see
when you
> move the mouse over a cell. If you love going through lots of mouse
> and dialog boxes to do anything then this program is for you.
Editing bad
> ticks is a nightmare - don't even ask. This program makes 4.0 feel
like a
> ferrari. Its a dog on 64 megs, so plan on getting the fastest
machine you
> can find and all the memory you can afford. Things take a long time to
> happen and I have crashed many times by just clicking on something,
or even
> trying to shut it down. Crashes mean rebooting the entire machine. I
> many indicators which worked fine in 4.0 which run, but which no
> work correctly in this program. I have ascii data files which load
fine in
> 4.0 but the same file displays incorrect bar data in this program.
What is
> COM and how many of you know how to use it ? Maybe third party
> will like this program but I hate it.
> >you must be running the very firs beta they sent out.
> you dont pay attention to what i post do you, i said i am looking at
> release canidate!
> >A good friend of mine is a Beta Tester and I forwarded him your
email, and
> I went to the presentation in NewYork and saw ts 5 myself.  Here is
a list
> of the things you posted before with my friends answers:
> if he is a good freind of yours and he is not on this list then he
must be
> bill cruz..besides you saw no REAL TIME DID YOU?  NO YOU DIDNT!
> >If you load a symbol that is not being collected by mistake it will
> the entire system down and you must reboot
> >-  Never happened to anyone I know
> then you dont know but the one beta tester named bill cruz..
> >When you crash, you must reboot there is no other way - completely
> statement
> >
> >The quote screen is very disappointing and
> >- How is it dissapointing?
> Also times in the quote page are in GMT and I do not see any place
to fix
> this. You ***CANNOT SEE*** your alerts on a quote page anymore! They
> now hidden in a stupid 'tool tip' type pop-up which you only see
when you
> move the mouse over a cell. If you love going through lots of mouse
> and dialog boxes to do anything then this program is for you.
> >the name of the signals on a system have to appear on the chart or
not be
> seen at all.
> >- False
> well bull crap where is the system names in the system results then?
> me i wanna know?
> >when you paste a large ela in it randomly ranks the indicators and
> in a jumbled mess.
> >- FALSE, the editor lets you sort studies any way you want
> i will get a screen shot to show you this one,  it is obvious you know
> nothing of the program and your buddy must have his beta still in
the box
> and reading the 8 page ads instead.
> >If you fix the tick data you haven't fixed all the time frames of
data like
> the old ts 4 does - FALSE. it fixes ALL the time frames when you fix
a tick
> Editing bad ticks is a nightmare - don't even ask.