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> Your memory dos not serve you correctly, if it's only your memory...If the
> stolen function was the Swing hi/lo, and if so much noise has been done between
> you ( or your company) and Bill Cruz at this time, I 'm sure that you should
> recall exactly of the problem and the function name.

OK dumb shit, let me say it again. I was an investor in the company, not a
programmer or developer. I stated in my last post and admitted that I was not sure
of the exact indicator/function.

> But it's not the case, in any manner: You even do not remember of the exact
> problem and post inconsistant charges to Omega Research, Bill Cruz and Sam
> Tennis to a public forum.

Read my post again. I think very highly of Sam Tennis and I did not charge Sam
with anything. As I said before I found him to be a honest and damn nice
individual. I also respect his abilities as a programmer. Didn't you mother tell
you that if you didn't stop lying your tounge would fall off.

> Unfortunately for you , I was there and made the necessary verification.

Good God PO, you're like horse manure in the stable... Everywhere. It amazes me of
all the places you claim be and all the initmate details you know and  still do
whatever it is you do for a living.

> You claim that the stolen code Swing hi/lo appeared in a next TS beta. This
> means ("next")  that the stolen function was NOT in the very first version of
> TS, i.e version 1.0 ( released in Nov 1990) If you check at the manual of TS
> version 1.0, you will see that the Swing hi lo function were ALREADY present in
> this early TS version. I have not my System Writer Plus manual here, but I
> remember that the considered function were ALSO in SW+, that I bought in 1989, 2
> years BEFORE the inception of TradeStation.

As I said earlier and many times I was not certain of the indicator. So last night
I called the CEO of the company at that time and asked his recollection. By the
way, this individual is now doing missionary work for the Mennonite church, so I
wanted to know the kind of pathological liar he is as well. While it was too many
years ago, he remembers the incident and to the best of his memory, here is what
he told me.

1. He too cannot remember exactly  which "indicator" (not function) it was because
we had code named everything, but he seems to believe it was one of our swing

2. We did not find out about it in a Beta release of TS, it was in a released
updated version.

3. Our developer/programmer called Cruz and they had a lengthy unpleasant
discussion about it.

4. Our board of directors did discuss a possible legal recourse. The idea was
dropped because (1) it was an indicator that was not necessarily propritertay, and
as I said in an earlier post, eventually someone would have coded it and (2) it
was decided that we needed Cruz as an ally if we were going to continue
programming systems and indicators in TS.  Plain and simple.

5. Both of us have lost contact with the developer/programmer. The CEO spoke with
him 3 years ago and at that time he was living somwhere in Arizona.

> How would you think that we can believe you ?

Quite honestly I don't care what you think! It is apparent tha anyone who has
anything negative to say about Omega and/or Cruz in your book is a bold face liar.
Quite frankly I have never seen a bigger butt kisser in my life, but I guess it
takes all kinds to make a world.

> The truth is above, and anyone can verify. Omega does not treat me better or
> worse than anyone. But they know that they can rely on some honesty from my
> side.

Please, don't make me laugh! It's too early in the morning and I need my coffee

> Now, it's time for you to ask to  yourself why you posted this...

Because I stand by my belief, Bill Cruz has not only proven to me but to others in
the various lists that he is not to be believed when he says something and is not
the high moral God you make him out to be. Let's be honest for a moment. Bill Cruz
is a businessman and there are times businessmen do not always take the high
ground when trying to get their company going or keep it afloat. People are used
and stepped on, be it employees, suppliers, competitors, partners or whomever.  It
is a fact of business, and Omega is no different. For you to suggest otherwise is
either ignorant on your part, or you are dumber than I thought. Wake up... Bill
Cruz's poo poo stinks,  just like everyones. His saving grace is he has you around
with the aerosol spay trying to convince everyone we're smelling roses.

I'm sure you will have some nasty rebuttal and once again find it necessary to use
the aerosol spray (I would be disappointed otherwise) but this is my last post on
this subject so flame away. I have neither the time to waste or desire to continue
this further. I have my opinions, you have yours and like assholes everybody has
one. Your only saving grace is you know it all and if for a moment we should
forget that, I'm sure you will remind us of it.

However Pierre, there is a bright side to all this and I do have something to
thank you for. In my efforts to refresh my memory, as I said above,  I did call
the individual who was our CEO at the time. It has been years since we have spoken
and we both realized how much we missed each other as friends. We have agreed to
keep in better touch and the next time I'm in Chicago or he is in California we
plan to get together. Good honest friends are hard to find.

> -Pierre Orphelin
> Highly professional Lackey ( Independant)

At least we agree on something, but I think to get the full flavor don't you think
it should read "Highly professional butt kissing Lackey (Independant)"?

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