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I have been an AIQ EOD user since November 1987 when their main program was a
market timer. As an EOD market timer I find their buy and sells on the market to
be fairly reliable. The same rule base does not work all that well with equities,
never has and never will.

That aside, I have been waiting for the new AIQ R/T since November/December when
I placed my order. They claim that since BMI (my data feed) is making changes to
their data stream, it is delaying their BMI version. I have been told by AIQ that
their R/T software has some limitations. For example you can display a 5 min
chart, or 10 min chart. However, there is no capability to look at a 6 min or 3
min or even a tick chart should you use those time frames in your trading. In
other words, what you see as available is what you get.

Like a lot of people in the various news groups I belong to, I cringe at the idea
of having to upgrade to TS2000. Years ago I was an investor in a company that was
one of the first solution providers for Omega Tradestation (Sam Tennis was an
Omega employee and most systems were written for MetaStock).  Bill Cruz was an
arrogant, lying SOB back then and hasn't changed since then and I wouldn't give
him the sweat off of my cajones. However when one considers the choices available
for an affordable, proven   "middle of the road" software solution, the pickings
are slim. The new guys coming on line with new affordable solutions will need a
couple of years to iron out the bugs and gain customer confidence (the biggest
obstacle for them to overcome).

When you start seeing in Futures Magazine the code for indicators or systems
written for AIQ, WOW, F/S or whomever, that is when Omega will no longer be the
king of the hill. That's an indication that consumers like myself will have
placed their confidence and purchasing dollars into the software company(s) that
provide the solutions we need in a timely manner, and care about the needs of its
customers. Competition will be good for the consumers, bad for Omega.

I believe one of the reasons Omega is where they are today, is because they were
the first with a real time Windows program that provided a means to write
systems/indicators while MetaStock was still DOS. They were at the right place at
the right time when M/S did not listen to it's customers and M/S went from being
#1 to #??? The day will come when Omega no longer enjoys it's top position and
there will be a new #1. There are many of us who can't wait until that day
arrives and Omega's arrogant attitude comes back to bite them in the ass.

"Robin B. Lake" wrote:

> When I did extensive testing on AIQ three years ago, I used step-
> and pulse-inputs and found that many of their indicators behaved
> bizarrely to these.  Some didn't react until (as I recall) 72 days
> after the sudden change, and then went  into oscillations.  I gave
> up on it and wrote my own system.
> Cheers,
> Rob Lake
> rbl@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Environmental Modeling Inc.
> >
> > Call me old-fashioned, but there are so many people on this list that seem
> > to hate Omega Research and/or TradeStation, I'm wondering why you all still
> > use it.... isn't there anything better out there (and Mark Brown, I mean
> > real products, not VaporWare).
> >
> > Anyone tried AIQ for instance? Although I'm not sure I want to change from
> > TS, it gets reasonable reviews and is cheaper for realtime version than
> > plugging Signal/BMI etc into TradeStation.
> >
> >

  • References:
    • AIQ
      • From: Robin B. Lake