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Re: omega-digest Digest V99 #40

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Clyde,  I have received this week 80 gigs of new hard drive space.  At least
10 gigs are dedicated to a FTP Site for the public no matter what list as
long as its trading related.  I will be receiving the part I need to finish
by this weekend.  If my kind neighbor who is on this list will let me pump
some Dr. Peppers down him with any luck I will have us ready mon..

This will be a permanent FTP address...

>Really need a FTP site to post such things as this since we get
>a request like this repeated often.
>+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
>Indicator: MakeASCIFile
>Purpose: Create an ASCII file from SC/TS data with the format
> bar interval the same as currently displayed on the
> chart.
>Inputs: FilDir -- a set of ASCII characters included within
> quote marks which defines the full path to the
> directory/folder (e.g.  "C:\OMEGA\"  ...) in which you
> wish to save the new file.
> TimeAdj -- an hourly amount (represented in 24 hour
> time HHMM by which to adjust the time of data in
> display before outputting to file.
> PricAdj -- an amount (represented in big points and
> decimal part of point -- PP.dd) by which to adjust the
> PRICE amounts in data before outputting to file.  This
> can be used to make "back/front adjusted" sets of data
> which can be combined using a text editor to provide
> continuous data files.
> BegDate -- first date  YYMMDD to output.
> EndDate -- last date   YYMMDD to output.
>Caution: When entering the DIRECTORY (full path) where final
> file is to be saved you MAY include a backslash \
> as the final character in the  FilDir  input.  If
> you don't the system will append one.
> Files are automatically named with the name in the
> Where: SS = First 2 letters of symbol.
> TT = Time interval (intraday) or the
>   characters  DA  WK  MO  as is proper.
>+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
>Inputs: FileDir(""), {Directory for file SHOULD end with \ }
> {Set to blank  ""  for no file output }
> {This file is a BAR by BAR DATA file }
> TimeAdj(0.0), {Hours - decimal - to adjust time }
> PricAdj(0.0), {Price - decimal - to adjust price }
> BegDate(650101), {Beginning date for data output }
> EndDate(991231), {Ending    date for data output }
> OutVol(True); {Flag to output/not output volume data }
>Vars: SymID(""),FileID(""),AddS(""),TInt("DA"),DoInit(True),
> AdjTime(IntPortion(TimeAdj*.01)+FracPortion(TimeAdj*.01)/.60),
> X(0);
>If DoInit then begin
> SymID=LeftStr(GetSymbolName+"__",2);
> IF DataCompression=1 THEN
> IF DataCompression=3 THEN TInt="WK";
> IF DataCompression=4 THEN TInt="MO";
> If FileDir<>"" then begin
> If RightStr(FileDir,1)<>"\" then AddS="\";
> FileID=FileDir+AddS+SymID+ TInt
> + LeftStr(NumToStr(date,0),4) + ".csv";
>   FileDelete(FileID);
>  FileAppend(FileID,"Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume"+NewLine);
> End;
> DoInit=False;
> If DoInit then Plot1(c,"");
>If FileDir<>"" and Date>=BegDate and Date<=EndDate then begin
> X=Time;
> If TimeAdj<>0 then begin
> X=X*.01;
> X=IntPortion(x)+FracPortion(x)/.60+AdjTime+.001;
> X=IntPortion(x)*100+IntPortion(FracPortion(x)*60);
> End;
> If OutVol then begin
> FileAppend(FileID, NumToStr(date,0) + "," +
> NumToStr(X,0) + "," +
> NumToStr(O+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(H+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(L+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(C+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(V,0) + NewLine) ;
> End
> Else begin
> FileAppend(FileID, NumToStr(date,0) + "," +
> NumToStr(X,0) + "," +
> NumToStr(O+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(H+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(L+PricAdj,2) + "," +
> NumToStr(C+PricAdj,2) + NewLine) ;
> End;
>I remember reading in the list that there was and "indicator" that you
>put on an Omega chart that would convert the chart data to an asci
>Does anyone have this code?
>I have just started looking at Ensign and would like to paste in some
>of my
>back data.
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Clyde Lee   Chairman/CEO       (Home of SwingMachine)
>SYTECH Corporation             email:   <clydelee@xxxxxxx>
>7910 Westglen, Suite 105       Work:    (713) 783-9540
>Houston,  TX  77063            Fax:     (713) 783-1092
>SM available at:               ftp://intrepid.com/pub/clyde
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -