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Re: Omega Dongle

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Desiring a dongle-work-around doesn't infer that you intend to make illegal

It could very well mean:

1) you find it annoying

2) you don't put a whole lot of faith in it not interfering with the rest
of your computer system, since there are several other areas of the product
in which Omega Research has been unable to keep up with the times

3) you want to use TS on a notebook and the dongle doesn't fit in your case
or your concerned about damaging the dongle and/or parallel port when
moving it around

4) you want to use TS on your powerful desktop machine at home and
quickly/easily switch to your notebook when away from home

There is no means of eliminating software piracy.  Software by it's very
nature is reproducable - it's a string of 1's and 0's.  There are some good
means of reducing software piracy.  By "good" I mean a way that doesn't
annoy (or reduce usability for) the typical paying customer.
Unfornutately, in current consumer-grade operating systems like Microsoft's
these are limited.

If companies like OR choose to use dongles as a means of *reducing*
software piracy so be it.  That's their choice.  But, it shouldn't be
considered illegal for me to adapt the product to better suit my needs (as
long as I'm only using 1 copy at a time for each license I paid for).
